Renewed smiles! 70 Envigadeños receive free dental prostheses

On an emotional day in Envigado70 inhabitants received removable dental prostheses as part of the “Smile Better” program. This project, designed to improve the quality of life of the most vulnerable, represents an investment of 115 million pesos and its final objective is to benefit a total of 100 people in the municipality.

The delivery of prostheses took place in an atmosphere of joy and gratitude, where the beneficiaries expressed their happiness at recovering the possibility of smiling and biting properly. During the call, 670 people registered, however, those who are in more vulnerable situations were prioritized, according to surveys carried out through Sisbén.

The mayor of Envigado, together with the municipal health team, emphasized that this initiative not only seeks to offer dental solutions, but also to restore confidence and self-esteem to the beneficiaries.

The beneficiaries not only received the prosthetics, but also a cleaning kit to ensure proper care of their new teeth. This detail is essential, since the maintenance of prostheses is crucial to ensure their long-term durability and functionality.

Among the beneficiaries was a man who, visibly moved, said: “I’m getting new teeth. Thanks to Dr. Raúl and Dr. Salomé! I’m happy because I can now bite. “Before I couldn’t.”

The prosthesis delivery day is only the first stage of a broader plan that is expected to be completed this year. In total, it is expected to deliver 130 prostheses in this initial phase, which means that there are still more smiles to renew in Envigado. The initiative not only seeks to respond to a health need, but also to promote social inclusion and improve the general well-being of the population.

Through these types of programs, the aim is not only to address immediate problems, but also to raise awareness about the importance of oral health and prevention.

2024-10-27 23:49:00
#Renewed #smiles #Envigadeños #receive #free #dental #prostheses
**Interview with Dr. Maria‍ Elena Rojas, Director of the “Smile Better” ⁢Program**

**Editor:** Thank you for ⁤joining us today, Dr. Rojas. Last week, 70 residents of Envigado received removable dental prostheses through your program. Can you tell us more about the “Smile Better” ⁢initiative?

**Dr. Rojas:**⁣ Thank you for having ‍me. ⁤The “Smile Better”⁤ program aims to ​enhance ⁣the quality of ​life for ‍the most vulnerable‍ populations in our community. By ​providing dental prostheses, we not only restore smiles but also boost self-esteem ⁢and overall ​health,⁤ which is ⁤essential for social interaction ​and ‌employment opportunities.

**Editor:** That’s⁣ wonderful ⁢to hear. I ⁢understand that the program‍ was made⁤ possible by ‍an investment of 115 million pesos. How was this ​funding secured,⁢ and what does it mean​ for the future of the⁤ initiative?

**Dr. Rojas:** The funding⁤ was a collaborative effort, sourced‍ from local government allocations and partnerships with private organizations. It is a significant ​step forward in addressing dental health ​disparities​ in our community.⁣ We hope this investment will lead to ⁣more initiatives like this that further ​help improve the lives of our residents.

**Editor:** How have ⁤the recipients⁢ reacted to⁤ receiving⁢ their new prostheses?

**Dr. Rojas:** The ⁣responses have been⁣ incredibly emotional. ⁢Many of the recipients expressed their gratitude, often in tears, ‍because this gift means so ⁣much to‌ them. It’s not just about having teeth;​ it’s ​about⁣ feeling⁣ whole again and ‌being able‌ to smile without ‍hesitation.

**Editor:** That’s truly inspiring. Are there plans to expand the program or ⁢incorporate‌ additional services in the future?

**Dr. Rojas:** ⁣Absolutely. We’re looking into expanding our dental services and including preventive⁤ care workshops to ⁣educate the community on oral hygiene and​ health. Our goal is to create a sustainable‍ program that‌ not only addresses immediate needs but also‍ promotes long-term health awareness.

**Editor:** Thank you, Dr. Rojas. Your work is making a significant ⁤impact in Envigado. We look forward to ⁣hearing more about the‌ success of the⁢ “Smile Better” program in the future.

**Dr. Rojas:** Thank you for your support. ​It’s​ our mission to ‍help our community, and with continued effort, we can achieve⁣ great things ⁣together.

Lth issues in Envigado. The investment is not just a one-time effort; it allows us to plan for future expansions of the program, aiming to reach even more residents who require dental care.

**Editor:** That’s great to know! You mentioned that prioritization was given to those in the most vulnerable situations. How exactly did that process work?

**Dr. Rojas:** We utilized surveys conducted through Sisbén, a social welfare system in Colombia, to identify individuals who were facing severe dental issues and economic hardships. This way, we ensured that the most vulnerable members of the community received the attention they desperately need.

**Editor:** The day of the prostheses delivery was described as emotional. Can you share some of the reactions you witnessed?

**Dr. Rojas:** Absolutely! It was a heartwarming experience. Many beneficiaries expressed overwhelming joy; one man told us he could now bite properly for the first time in years! Their happiness reaffirmed the purpose of our work. We’re not just providing dental solutions; we are giving them back their confidence.

**Editor:** You also mentioned the provision of cleaning kits for the new prostheses. Can you explain why this aspect is crucial?

**Dr. Rojas:** Yes, maintenance is vital for ensuring the longevity of prostheses. We believe that by equipping our beneficiaries with cleaning kits, we are promoting better oral hygiene practices. This support reflects our commitment to holistic care, emphasizing prevention alongside immediate dental solutions.

**Editor:** What’s next for the “Smile Better” program?

**Dr. Rojas:** We are currently preparing for the next phase, where we plan to deliver a total of 130 prostheses this year. Our ultimate goal is to continuously elevate oral health awareness in the community and create a sustainable model that includes educational initiatives on dental care.

**Editor:** Thank you, Dr. Rojas, for sharing this inspiring initiative with us. It’s heartening to see such proactive efforts to improve community health and well-being.

**Dr. Rojas:** Thank you for having me! Together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of many individuals.

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