Renewables closed 2022 with a leap in green generation

Electricity generation through renewable sources increased in December in the country and boosted total production for the year by 10% above 2021. The total contribution of the green parks exceeded the barrier of 1,700 GWh in the last month of last year and was the second highest record in history.

In line with the installed capacity, the jump in generation registered in December came hand in hand with a greater contribution from wind farms. The rest of the technologies maintained a level similar to that seen in previous months.

As indicated in the latest monthly report of the Wholesale Electricity Market Administration Company (Cammesa), December’s green production was 1,740 GWh. This is the second highest record for the sector, since the historical record was last October and was 1,822 GWh.

However, the generation in December was enough to exceed the 1,735 GWh of March 2022, which remained in second position.

19.341 GWh
was the accumulated renewable generation of all of 2022 and almost 74% was wind power.

This way2022 was positioned as the best year for the renewable sector. A milestone that, although it had been reached in November (by a small difference) with the December data, which was only now known, it can be affirmed that the year closed 10% above 2021.

Total, green production between January and December of last year was about 19,341 GWhwhich is equivalent to 10.61% more than the 17,485 GWh of all of 2021.

The monthly average generation last year was about 1,611.75 GWh, while that of 2021 had been 1,457.08 GWh.

higher than in 2021 was last year’s renewable generation.

The increase in installed renewable capacity that was registered at the end of 2021 had its impact in 2022 and was the key. In no month last year, green production dropped below 1,400 GWhwhile in 2021 there were months below 1,200 GWh.

The share of each technology in the generation

The wind farms produced a total of 14,165 GWh during all of 2022, which is equivalent to 73.24% of the accumulated. This data shows the power of the segment in the sector, which has more than 3,300 MW of installed power.

In second place, of participation were the solar parks that contributed 2,929 GWh in the year, enough to cover 15.14% of the total participation. These developments have a total installed capacity of 1,086 MW.

With a much smaller participation are bioenergy and renewable hydraulic projects. Precisely the small hydro developments contributed some 1,060 GWh in the year and accounted for 5.48% of the participation. According to official information, there are 502 MW of installed power.

Lastly, the plants biogas and biomass contributed between 442 and 746 GWh in the year, which allowed them to cover 2.29% and 3.86% of the demand. Bioenergies have an installed power of about 269 MW in the country.

How was the production of the last month of the year

As indicated in the latest Cammesa report, a total renewable generation of 1,740 GWh was registered in December. Of that total, wind farms produced some 1,232 GWh, a jump of 7.6% over November.

The solar parks contributed some 300 GWh and registered an increase of 12.54% in generation. Hydraulics followed with 111 GWh and showed a 68.18% jump in contribution compared to August.

Finally, the biogas and biomass plants generated between 33 and 66 GWh in December, the same contribution they had made in November.

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