Renewable Rikers: A Green Plan for Sustainable Development and Job Creation

2023-01-24 08:00:00

Under the plan, Rikers would become home to solar panels, battery storage and brand new sewage treatment facilities that support neighboring Bronx and Queens neighborhoods.

A significant part of the plan involved voices from the Renewable Rikers Coalition, a collection of organizations that represent people who were previously incarcerated at the facility.

They suggested offering training in the installation and repair of solar panels to former prisoners in order to provide them with jobs within the sustainable development pole. Employing former prisoners, they say, will benefit families scarred by prison experiences.

The new green facility on Rikers Island would replace harmful electricity and sewage treatment plants located in the Bronx and Queens neighborhoods.

By outsourcing these processes, an additional 182 acres of land would be freed up for residents. This space could later be transformed into playgrounds, community centers, parks or whatever the inhabitants need.

On top of that, Rikers would still have enough room to install recycling and composting centers that support the city’s waste management.

Speaking about the project, RPA Vice President Moses Gates said, “Following the vision of a renewable Rikers is an unmissable opportunity for the city to achieve its decarbonization goals while serving as a national role model. climate-focused redistribution”. Justice.’

Hopefully, we’ll see this specific plan – or something similar – come to life in the years to come.

#Yorks #notorious #prison #turned #green #hub

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