Renaturation: The federal states want to have a say

The federal states want to have a say in the design of the renaturation ordinance. This was emphasized by the state agricultural representatives after their conference on Thursday with Agriculture Minister Norbert Totschnig (VP). Only Vienna was not at the conference. Among other things, they are calling for a “jointly supported” coordination office for implementation and compensation payments.

“States, municipalities and the affected sectors, especially agriculture, forestry and water management, must be fully involved,” said Upper Austria’s Agriculture Minister Michaela Langer-Weninger (VP), who is currently chairing the committee. There should be “no more ideological solo efforts.”

Severin Mayr, Upper Austria’s Green Party chairman, responded: “So much nonsense has been spread about the regulation.” Farmers would not have to count butterflies, and forced closure of arable land would be ruled out.


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