Removing Convicted Clergy from State Payroll: Minister of Justice Urges Action by Bishop Bonny

2023-09-27 19:01:00

The Minister of Justice, Vincent Van Quickenborne, expressed on Wednesday the wish that the bishop of Antwerp, Mgr Johan Bonnyremoves from the list of people paid by the State members of the clergy convicted of sexual abuse, so that they are no longer remunerated with taxpayers’ money.

“If he really wants to take responsibility, he will,” said Mr. Van Quickenborne (Open Vld) during the television news of the Flemish public channel VRT.

The broadcast of the documentary “Godvergeten” on VRT, in which victims of sexual violence committed by religious people and their relatives gave their testimony, caused a considerable shock wave in Flanders.

Forty-seven complaints of sexual violence within the Church over the past year

Mr. Van Quickenborne declared himself shocked by these testimonies, which “chill my blood”.

Prime Minister Alexander De Croo and the Minister of Justice will meet representatives of victims of sexual abuse by priests on Thursday. They will also speak with Mgr Bonny.

The Bishop of Antwerp “has very clearly said that he wants to assume his responsibilities. Words are one thing, we also want actions,” added Mr. Van Quickenborne.

The new primate of Belgium recognizes the Church’s failings regarding sexual abuse: “We have failed”

“As a government, we are obliged to pay the salaries of priests. A list is submitted to the government for this purpose. I would like to ask very explicitly that Mgr Bonny removes from this list the people found guilty of the facts and that from now he’s the one paying,” he said.

The minister admitted there was little else he might do. “The Constitution is clear: I do not participate in the appointment of priests and we are obliged to finance religion with our tax money. This was established in the 19th century, when religion determined almost everything in our lives. Today “Today, this is no longer the case, we must also have this debate”, he stressed.

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