The 5th congress of diabetology, endocrine and metabolic pathologies in Guyana opens its doors on November 24 in the auditorium of the town hall of Rémire-Montjoly. Three days of debates, exchanges and meetings that will take place between professionals to take stock of diabetes in the world but also in Guyana. Specialists from France are invited to this event. The objective is to take stock of the progress of the disease and the management of patients in recent years.
And precisely, how has the disease evolved in French Guiana in recent years. Diabetes is increasing all over the world and Guyana is no exception with a rate of 10% prevalence.
Notable phenomenon, over the last ten years we observe a slow and progressive increase in the disease. On the 2014 barometer, the number of people affected was estimated at 9%, a figure that has increased by 1% in 8 years.
In concrete terms, one in 10 people has diabetes in Guyana, 10,000 people are concerned.
The significant particularity in Guyana, there are more women affected by type 2 diabetes, called fatty type diabetes, than men. 60% of women once morest 40% of men whereas it is the opposite in France.
Also, 80% of diabetes is type 2 diabetes and highlighting the link between pathology, overweight and obesity.
Figures which are above all an estimate because another particularity many patients are unaware of.
Finally, the causes and factors favoring diabetes are high blood pressure and malnutrition. Added to this is the lack of physical activity which plays a major role in the onset and persistence of the disease.
The Hospital Association for Research, Training and Prevention of Diabetes and Obesity in Guyana is organizing a first public meeting tomorrow followingnoon around this disease and endocrine pathologies. The meeting is at 5 p.m. at the town hall of Rémire-Montjoly.