Remembering the heroes and advocating heroes

Remembering the heroes and advocating heroes

2022-04-05 13:48:15Source: Qiushi Network

The heroic spirit of heaven and earth is still awe-inspiring.

Another year during the Qingming Festival, themed activities such as “Qingming Festival to the Martyrs” were held all over the country. At this special moment of cautious pursuit, the motherland and people will never forget that the Republic is red, and the new China was forged by countless revolutionary martyrs with their blood and lives. Thousands of loyal, passionate, revolutionary martyrs wrote the most magnificent epic in the history of the Chinese nation for thousands of years in the course of a hundred years of struggle with their burning beliefs, fiery feelings of family and country, and selfless struggle. They are the backbone of the Chinese nation and the monuments of the People’s Republic. Their historical achievements shine through the annals of history and illuminate the future, and they will always be engraved in our hearts.

Revolutionary martyrs and heroes hold a very heavy weight in General Secretary Xi Jinping’s heart. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made arrangements and made requirements for advocating heroes, learning heroes, and caring for heroes many times, telling hero stories with affection, praising heroes’ character, promoting hero spirit, searching for heroes, paying homage to martyrs, and cherishing the memory of heroes. Footprints all over the motherland from north to south. Establish the Martyrs’ Memorial Day, the Victory Day of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the National Memorial Day for the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre, establish and improve the party and national meritorious honor recognition system, formulate the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of Heroes and Martyrs, and issue the “On Strengthening the Martyrs in the New Era” Opinions on Praising Work”… Through a series of major measures, establish a good fashion of advocating heroes and cherishing the memory of martyrs in the whole society.

A promising nation cannot be without heroes, and a promising country cannot be without pioneers. The Chinese nation is a nation that advocates heroes, achieves heroes, and produces heroes in large numbers. In the extraordinary struggle of more than 100 years, generations of Chinese Communists have fought tenaciously and unremittingly, and a large number of revolutionary martyrs who regard death as their home have emerged, a large number of heroic figures who have fought tenaciously, and a large number of advanced models who have dedicated themselves. These heroes are the most shining coordinates of the nation. Li Dazhao, who went to the gallows, made a heroic oath that “communism will surely win a glorious victory in China”; Fang Zhimin left a stern oath before his sacrifice, “The enemy can only chop off our heads, and never shake our beliefs”; Iron man Wang Jinxi gave his life and jumped into the mud to suppress the blowout at a critical juncture, shouting, “I would rather live 20 years less, and try my best to win the big oil field”; Jiao Yulu told the organization before his death, “I haven’t cured the sand dunes in my life, and I will die even if I die. Watching you heal the sand dunes”; “New Yugong” Li Baoguo, who has been sticking to the Taihang Mountains for 35 years, fighting on the front line of poverty alleviation and technological innovation, and devoting his life’s energy to the ecological construction of the mountain area and the cause of enriching the people through science and technology… The ideal The light is immortal, and the light of faith is immortal. These iron-boned revolutionary martyrs and heroes, with their steel-like beliefs and flesh and blood, composed a series of heroic songs that are moving and soul-stirring. Their deeds and spirits inspire us to move forward. great power.

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Advocating heroes will lead to heroes, and striving to be heroes will lead to heroes. The best way to commemorate heroes is to learn the heroic spirit, draw strength from it, inherit the original mission and create a new history. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that greatness comes from ordinary, and ordinary makes greatness. As long as you have firm ideals and beliefs, unremitting fighting spirit, and down-to-earth to do every ordinary thing well, all ordinary people can achieve extraordinary life, and all ordinary work can create extraordinary achievements. Today, on the land of China where revolutionary heroes fought, died, and slept forever, spring is full of vitality and vitality everywhere. The new era is an era in which heroes are needed and will be born. Let us remember all the heroes who have made contributions to the Chinese nation and the Chinese people, hold high the heroic banner, carry forward the heroic spirit, and make unremitting efforts on the road they have opened up with their lives and blood. , Always struggle, and write a magnificent chapter worthy of the times.

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