“Remembering…”: the emotional tribute that Gonzalo Ramírez dedicated to a puppy that Felipe Camiroaga gave him

During Thursday, July 22, World Dog Day was commemorated, so many people shared photos and dedications to their dog pets.

Several celebrities were not left out of this situation, as was the case of Gonzalo Ramírez, driver of the Good morning to all (TVN).

Until April of last year, the journalist had a dog named Blanco who died with twelve years of life. “I know you will continue to watch over us,” he declared at the time, “where those we love and have departed await us.”

“When Felipe’s mother died” in Spain, Ramírez told a long time ago about the origin of this puppy as a gift from Camiroaga. “He went there, and the mother had a close friend who was a breeder of these puppies in Tenerife, and champions, very fine. ‘Blanco’ was the son of the very champion”, according to what was recorded ADN Radio.

Now, on this date, the communicator shared some souvenir postcards in which the dog appears along with his younger offspring.

“Remembering our beloved Blanco on this day!” He expressed via Instagram. “Faithful friend who took care of us and gave us his company for so many years”, and he closed with a heart emoticon.

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