Remembering Sébastien Ayoub: Former Carabins Rugby PlayerPasses Away at 28

2024-01-03 19:58:56

The Carabins of the University of Montreal announced Tuesday the death of former rugby player Sébastien Ayoub, who was only 28 years old.

The young man’s death was noted on December 24, but the causes were not specified.

Ayoub’s career as a UdeM student-athlete, from 2015 to 2017, ended due to health problems. He nevertheless remained with the team as a physical trainer from 2018.

“It’s a shock for me and for the whole team. Our thoughts are with his family, said the head coach of the Blues rugby team, Lancelot Satge, in a press release. We are losing a friend and a brother.”

“Sébastien always had the good of others at heart,” he added. He embodied self-sacrifice. When I took over the team in 2021, he was the very first person I called to help me build the program. His state of mind and his values ​​fit perfectly with those of the Carabins. He was appreciated by everyone.”

Being involved with the program until the end of last season, Ayoub was also part of the Carabins athletics team as a shot put specialist in 2019.

#Rubgy #member #Carabins #dies

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