“Remembering Raphael Pando: The Life and Legacy of an Esteemed Polo Player and Friend of Adolfo Cambiaso”

2023-05-12 22:14:00

A cardiac arrest put an end to the life of Raphael Pando, cousin and friend of Adolfo Cambiaso. In the club The Dolfinahe police officer of 55 years He had just won a semifinal for the Copa Municipalidad de Cañuelas with Poroto Cambiaso, son of Adolfito, and he suddenly felt bad. He did not recover.

Pando, with a 3-goal handicap, was a fan of the La Dolfina team and had a close relationship with the most important player in the world. His son, Rafita Pando, 25, had won the Copa de las Estancias a few days before, also together with Poroto, and even one of his mares had won the prize for the best horse in the final. The Copa de las Estancias is the most important trophy of the Guardia del Monte club, which is located in San Miguel del Monte, and of which Rafael was the president.

This Friday, Pando was serving as the back of La Plegaria, his field team, in that semifinal held at the La Dolfina facilities. The match ended between 2:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. and number 4 felt bad when he returned to the palenques following the final bell. His blood pressure dropped and he had difficulty breathing. The doctors from the ambulance that was on the premises assisted him, but the attention was not enough. The polo player was transferred to a clinic located at the intersection of routes 6 and 205, Cañuelas, but there was nothing to do. His body will be transferred to La Plata for an autopsy.

Rafael Pando was a polo player for the Jockey Club for a long time, where he is remembered as “a friend” and “a great fellow”.

Rafa had come to have 6 recovery goals, a level that allowed him to face very good rivals. In fact, he put together a team with his older brother, Miguel, and with Luis Lalor (m.) to play the Chamber of Deputies Cup, which is like a high-class Palermo B Open with many participants. He played for a long time at the Jockey Club, where he was considered a very good friend and “great fellow”, and where the news of him had a strong impact.

Now he presided over the Guardia del Monte club and lived with his family on the La Plegaria field, which he developed almost from scratch and where he had his horses and his young, considered very good, whose prefix is ​​”Flojura”. His wife, Romina Bianchi, is a native of Coronel Suárez, which for decades was labeled “the capital of Argentine polo.” His children are linked to the sport that Rafa loved: in addition to the aforementioned Rafita, Juana, a fan of discipline, and Flor, the youngest, who shoots balls, like polo.

Rafael also competed in England, France and Spain. The Pandos have always been linked to polo and both he and his brothers practiced it in San Isidro. Miguel, who died a few years ago from a tumor, was the husband of Ginette Reynal. Diego, at 51, and Santiago, at 48, are still playing it and came to share a team with Cambiaso. In turn, the family has suffered numerous blows. When Rafa was a boy, his father tragically died on Route 41; His mother, Pía Soldati, passed away a few years ago from cancer. The same fate recently had his sister Pía, who was the wife of another polo player, Erasmo “Mito” Goti, from Suarez who came to participate in the Argentine Open Championship. His uncle Francisco Soldati also lost his life in the political arena, during a practice in Monte.

Player, breeder and leader: Rafa Pando left his mark on polo.

Rafa Pando greatly enjoyed the sport of horses, tacos and bowls. In addition to being a relative, he was a close friend of Cambiaso, and as a matter of fact he was a fan of La Dolfina, the crack group in the Triple Crown. Sharing the La Plegaria team, which represented his country and his place of residence, with Poroto Cambiaso, the son of his great friend, was like a dream come true for him. And seeing Rafita, his eldest son, win his club’s biggest cup and be rewarded by his mare had made him very happy. He was having a great time. And he left, in the view of Hernán Agote (h.), a member of his entourage, in the best possible way: “He left without even realizing it, surrounded by friends and playing polo, which was what made him liked it”.


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