Remembering “Luang Pu Thich Nhat Hanh”: the way of praying with the tip of a brush

“I always start takingPaint the tip of the drinking tea And I mix tea in ink to paint every brushstroke. so there was tea in it too.”

Reverend Grandfather Thich Nhat Hanh Vietnamese Zen monk from Plum Village France told the story on the opening day of the exhibition “Praying with Calligraphy: The Art of Mindfulness” at the Bangkok Art and Culture Center in 2013.
The calligraphy of Luang Pu Thich Nhat Hanh is not complicated, complicated or requires any interpretation. in writing

Luang Pu followed the path of prayer. to be simple because I want people to understand simple teachings and practicing mindfulness with every breath

The brushstrokes are therefore words used in prayer: Peace at every step, I come. i arrived home ,There is no way of nirvana Nirvana is the way ,No way to home Home is the way, etc. Take, for example, the phrase “The miracle is to walk on earth”.
“A miracle is not walking on fire or in the air. a miracle is Walking on this beautiful world Realize the wonders of life and the conditions of happiness that we have Many people can’t walk. due to poor health We still have two strong legs, so we should learn how to enjoy walking. and nourish yourself with this kind of awareness.”

Praying with the tip of the brush
the time Reverend Grandfather Nut Hanh Draw a brush. You will dip the Chinese ink on your right side. Place the tip of the brush on the soft mulberry paper made from rice grains. The few minutes you drew He also prayed.

because inZen culture mindful drinking tea It is part of meditation. As for calligraphy writing, it is a way of cultivating mindfulness, concentration, wisdom, and being compassionate throughout the writing session.


(Exhibition of Thich Nhat Hanh brush painting in 2013)

“When I paint with a brush I’ll start with inhaling when drawing a semicircle. And I’m going to exhale when drawing the back half circle,” said Luang Pu Nat Hanh.
“While I was painting the circle brush strokes I would then imagine my ancestors, my parents, and in that moment. My parents were also drawing circles with me.

I know that I cannot remove my parents from my hands. I can’t dismiss my teacher. and the Buddha got out of my hand Those people are in my hands.”
Probably doesn’t need any explanation. with simple application of Dharma for the listener to enter the path of consciousness Because in the past, Luang Pu Nhat Hanh has prayed hundreds of thousands of times in many countries. Including writing works of more than 100 books

For many decades, he has taught people the art of living mindfully. Because all human beings are alike, there is love, greed, anger and delusion. But how can we live with it with love and joy?

“When we paint a circle like this We do not have a separate ego. Therefore, we can come up with enlightened intelligence. of the selflessness, and this is the practice of meditation.” Luang Pu said of the way of meditation. which is what Luang Pu practices every day Therefore, the profound words from the tip of the brush come from prayer.
“I would like to exchange wisdom with those who came to see the painting of the brush. in order to make her truly beautiful that she doesn’t have to be like someone else The lotus flower has the beauty of the lotus flower.

Therefore, you don’t need to turn a lotus flower into a rose. Don’t need a lot of makeup. to make her beautiful but she is what she is There is a seed of joy the seed of love within you You will become a beautiful flower in the garden.

I once wrote a sentence: Look, look with eyes of kindness. I would like to exchange enlightened wisdom that when she looks You should look to see the suffering that is in him.

we will not blame him because he was suffering greatly. He didn’t know how to deal with suffering. He therefore made the people around him suffer.

that person is The first victim of his own suffering, even though he did not want her to suffer. But he doesn’t know how to deal with suffering. So she became the second victim of his suffering.

If you know the art of seeing with the eyes of kindness She will understand the suffering that is within him and will be able to release the suffering that is within him immediately.”


Dharma from Thich Nhat Hanh’s photo.

Dharma in the brush painting of Luang Pu Nat Hanh is not only in English. He also wrote in Vietnamese, Chinese, French, Italian, and German and had learned to write in Thai.

By starting to write since the year. B.E. 1994 and he used to introduce Vietnamese language using Roman characters. Which comes from the calligraphy culture in Vietnamese temples since the 17th century, but is writing Roman characters in the form of Chinese characters.

by Luang Pu Nhat Hanh to adjust the new style Written in Roman characters without the influence of Chinese characters. until becoming a new, simple and free handwriting

and also used modern European text as well. but still maintains the essence of Zen in the eastern way by enjoying writing with every breath
It was the first time that Luang Pu wrote a brush. you enjoy writing Excited to sit and write for students as a reminder to your disciples

“When we have another temple Luang Pu wrote the words Peace…every step is placed on the stairs When a student walks up and down You will see a picture of the brush pattern. We will return to our own breath. Then walk up and down with consciousness

In addition, Luang Pu wrote other phrases and took them to follow the dining room and other places. so that we can remember that We have to practice.” A student of Luang Pu tells regarding the calligraphy of Luang Pu Nat Hanh.

“Reverend Grandfather has a class to teach brush painting. Reverend brothers and sisters come to study. Some of them can write like Luang Pu. That was the continuation of Luang Pu. Brush dipping time The students will mix tea with them,” said the disciple of Luang Pu.

“When lay people in different countries come to practice prayer I want to take those pictures home. Reverend Grandfather painted a brush painting for laymen to bring home. Then we put it in the Plum Village bookstore.

when someone ordered to come in We had to send them. Until 2004, we started selling brush paintings. Even the prayers that America brings.”

joy in prayer

“Like I said The calligraphy writing of Luang Pu Nat Hanh is in the same way. does not focus on being an excellent work of art but instead of prayer Luang Pu wanted to write simple. It can be read clearly.” A student of Luang Pu recalled the time when Luang Pu wrote the brush strokes. This is the time when you look happy and peaceful.
“When you write a brush I felt that he was happy and not that Luang Pu wanted to be an artist. But what Luang Pu wrote is what comes from practice. natural

When we see it, we feel the power in Luang Pu. So it’s not regarding art. So was Luang Pu. You want to bring wisdom Kindness comes to share with others.” A student told regarding Luang Pu’s intentions. that want people to practice not made to create art But Luang Pu wrote with love.

brush writing time So Luang Pu was truly there in every moment. since drinking tea brush picking Using tea mixed in ink until the writing process and when finished you will gradually seal carefully


circle of zen

It is said that the Zen circle often represents emptiness (Sunyata), but the circle written by Luang Pu Thich Nhat Hanh represents oneness.

“In every prayer Luang Pu will always emphasize on these matters. When someone brings a brush painting home It’s like bringing Luang Pu back home. The power of Luang Pu is in it. short teachings as a reminder to them in order for people to apply their teachings to their practiceThe disciple of Luang Pu said.

“Luang Pu will write a painting with a brush pattern only when inspiration arises. and happy to write When you’re tired, you won’t write. When you walk through the pine forest To go to another nearby temple, he sat there and wrote.

and in the temple where we are There is also a brush writing course. Who can attend or not attend? But Luang Pu also wanted him to go to school. Even the circle drawing is not perfect. Luang Pu would say that everything was beautiful.

And we will learn from that. It wasn’t born of perfection. Therefore, in the future, we may arrange a prayer ceremony with a brush pattern. In Europe, there was a course on brush painting, 10-15 people attended, and we did a course on caring for bonsai.”

If you sort the number of brush paintings that Luang Pu wrote It is estimated that there are more than ten thousand images. sales income which sells hundreds of images a year He has led to humanitarian projects in developing countries. and establishing a meditation center in Thailand
In addition to the story of the way of prayer and the brush pattern In the year that Luang Pu came to open the exhibition It also teaches you how to consciously walk through the pictures. by quoting the phrase


“That cloud never dies. Therefore, I would like to invite everyone to look into the reality of birthlessness. without death Because that cloud never dies… always becomes something else.
If we can experience the reality of not being born and not dying, that is, nirvana, we will be freed and free from fear.

Therefore, every picture of the brush pattern It was written in order to define the meditation. So the best way for her to look at the brushstrokes is to take a breath while walking. and return to your heart.”

Time for a walk to see the brush pattern It is a period of meditation. And during that time should experience the sublime silence. Luang Pu said that we must let those brush paintings touch the beautiful seed within us. because in the way of Zen Everything in life can lead to prayers.
“If we let go of our cravings, anger, hatred, and fear, we will be happy immediately. If we continue our suffering Because we don’t have the courage to let go of this.”

story from Praying with brush paintings: The Art of Mindfulness by Phra Ajarn Thich Nhat Hanh is on display from today-12 April 2013 at the Bangkok Art and Culture Center, Pathum Wan.

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