Remembering Elizângela do Amaral Vergueiro: The Beloved Actress from ‘El Clon’ who Passed Away at 68

2023-11-05 01:37:00

The actress died Elizângela do Amaral Vergueiro at 68 years of age, recognized for her participation in the soap opera “El Clone” which was broadcast from October 1, 2001 to June 15, 2002, in which she played the remembered character of Noêmia.

The first actress Elizângela would have entered the José Rabello de Mello hospital located in Guapimirim, Rio de Janeiro last Thursday after suffering a cardiorespiratory arrestAlthough the doctors tried to revive her, they were unsuccessful and she died, international media reported.

She played Noêmia in “El Clon” Photo: Instagram atrizelizangela

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Beloved actress from the soap opera “El Clon” dies from cardiorespiratory arrest

She was also recognized for starring in other novels such as “Paradise”, “All or nothing”, “For love”, “Deadly sin”. Although since 2019 she was away from showbiz, she always kept in touch with her followers through her social networks.

He participated in various novels such as “Paraíso”, “All or Nothing”, and “Por Amor” Photo: Courtesy

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Funeral of the first Brazilian actress Elizângela held

Today her family, friends and fans hold a funeral to say goodbye to her and bury her remains. She was very loved in the entertainment world, she started her artistic career At only 10 years old, she has since stood out for her talent and beauty in the entertainment industry.

His last publication in Instagram shows the image of a virgin with the legend “It never hurts to pay tribute and give thanks”, on social networks he used to share reflections on life and optimistic messages.

She stood out for her beauty in her youth Photo: Instagram atrizelizangela

Rest in peace dear friend”, “Your departure is very sad”, “I can’t believe it”, “My prayers are with your family”, “May the Lord be with you in your new home”, are some of the comments that can be read in the networks of the artist who leaves a great legacy in the artistic medium.

#Beloved #actress #soap #opera #Clon #dies #tragically #age

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