2023-12-05 15:51:51
He dedicated his life to professional training in the field of medicine and set up offices of his institute in different sectors of the country.
Dr. Héctor A. Barceló died on December 4 at the age of 80. He not only dedicated himself to medicine but also to research and education, promoter of the Barceló Foundation and the University Institute of Health Sciences in Buenos Aires, with headquarters in different parts of the country.
Barceló (1943-2023) graduated from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) in 1966. With a specialty in Rheumatology and an outstanding passion for research and education, he generated great advances in this branch of medicine.
His entrepreneurial spirit led him to expand his work even further, by creating organizations in the field of health: in 1968 he founded the Institute of Biological Teaching and Research that contributed to the training of more than 40,000 future doctors, in 1991 he created the “Héctor Foundation Alejandro Barceló for the Development of Argentine Biomedical Science” and in 1992 the Ministry of Culture and Education of the Argentine Republic granted authorization for the operation of the University Institute of Health Sciences in Buenos Aires, where the Medicine Course began to be taught.
Furthermore, under a vision that emphasizes the federal development of education, in 1993 it founded a headquarters in the province of La Rioja and in 1998 a headquarters in Santo Tomé (Corrientes), thus creating a network of training centers in health sciences that aim to develop university education, science, research and health promotion in the community.
Dr. Barceló carried out various professional activities, focusing on the transfer of knowledge and perspectives for the improvement of the Argentine university.
The Doctor has also been honored and awarded on several occasions:
• Scientific Excellence and Health Award in Argentina. 1997-1998. Sponsored by the OAS. Selected by the National Selection Committee “for his career in the field of rheumatology and for the judgment among his peers in the scientific community to which he belongs.”
#Héctor #Barceló #renowned #doctor #educator #passed #Medical #News