Remembering a Broadcasting Icon: The End of an Era as Gideon Hod’s Voice Fades at 90

Radio personality Gideon Hod, from the Nefilim section of Kol Israel and who became a legend in his lifetime, has passed away. Hood was one of the veteran radio personalities whose voice was part of the country’s soundtrack. He became an icon in the worlds of radio, and gathered around him a loyal audience that waited for his programs, in which the program “The Musical Quiz” that he broadcast on “The Voice of Music” for 33 years stood out in particular and became a mythology.

Hod was born on May 5, 1934 in Tel Aviv as Gideon Hershhorn, spent his childhood and youth in central Tel Aviv, and from an early age discovered his love for various sports including basketball, tennis and boxing. Along with sports, he discovered his love for music, listened to music on the radio from a young age, and subscribed to a music magazine. As a teenager he was a regular participant in the musical radio quiz of Kol Israel, by Alon Shmukler and Yitzhak Shimoni, which was broadcast every Saturday before noon, and participated in Shmulik Rosen’s radio quizzes.

Efrat Eshel, photo: Gideon Hod passed away at the age of 90

At the end of his military service, he took voiceover tests at Kol Israel in front of Rauma Elder, and after passing the tests, he began the voiceover course run by her in Jerusalem, at the end of which Gideon began working at Kol Israel in presenting and voiceover roles. In the sports department at Kol Israel, he announced the sports news and later presented the sports section on Saturday nights and the sports parade program on Sundays

At the same time as his work on the radio, Gideon worked as a physical education teacher for 11 years, in primary and secondary schools, throughout the country, until in 1967 he was injured in a motorcycle accident, which interrupted his physical education teaching career, then he was sent to cover the European Basketball Championship, which was held in Helsinki, Finland , and since then, for decades, Gideon’s warm and soulful voice accompanied Maccabi Tel Aviv’s basketball broadcasts and the team’s games, including Maccabi Tel Aviv’s unforgettable victory over CSKA at Wirton in 1977.

Hod left behind a wife and 2 children, photo: Moshe Shai/Flash 90

He also covered the Olympics in Munich, Montreal, Los Angeles, Seoul and Barcelona on behalf of the Israel Broadcasting Authority. He conceived and initiated the program “Songs and Goals” on Channel B, which he began broadcasting in 1970, taking turns with Ami Paztal, with the two accompanying the football games live In the league and at the same time popular songs are played, a program that became one of the flagship programs of the broadcasting station Kol Israel, and was an integral part of the sports culture in Israel.

Among the prominent programs he presented: “Green Light” – a daily segment that was broadcast on Kol Israel for years every morning before the 8 o’clock newscast and dealt with road safety, correct driving, car care and more, a daily morning program called “Morning Pearls”, and of course “The Musical Quiz” ” In the sound of music that was broadcast every week for about 33 years until in 2021 it was broadcast for the last time. At the same time as the musical quiz, he broadcast the program “Paninim Shabbat” on Channel B on Friday evening, in which he played classical music for years, until, as part of the transition from the Broadcasting Authority to the Corporation, the program moved to Bakan B and was finally taken off the broadcast schedule in June 2021.

At the “Exemplary People in Israeli Sports 2014” ceremony, Gideon Hod was awarded the Yoel Katz Trophy, by the Fairness in Sports Committee of the OMC Association, in recognition and appreciation, “for his great contribution to the development of sports in Israel as a radio broadcaster from the 1950s until today and for instilling the values ​​of fairness in sports during the broadcasts”.

In 1969 he married Ilana, and they had three children Hadas, Dita and Nir.

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Radio Legend Gideon Hod Passes Away at 90

The world of radio and sports has lost a legendary figure, Gideon Hod, who passed away at the age of 90. Hod was a renowned ‍radio⁢ personality‍ from the‍ Nefilim section of Kol Israel, known for his iconic voice and dedication to⁣ his craft. Throughout his illustrious career, he became an​ integral part of Israel’s sports culture, earning a loyal audience that waited ⁣eagerly for his programs.

Early Life ​and Career

Born on May 5, 1934, in Tel Aviv as Gideon Hershhorn, Hod grew up ​in‌ central Tel‌ Aviv, where ⁣he developed a passion⁣ for sports, including basketball, tennis, and ⁣boxing. Alongside sports, he discovered his love for music, listening to radio broadcasts⁣ from a young age and subscribing to music magazines.‌ As a teenager, he participated in musical radio‍ quizzes on Kol Israel, showcasing​ his talents and paving ​the way for his future success.

Radio Career

After ⁣completing his military service, Hod took voiceover tests⁤ at Kol ⁢Israel and went on to work in presenting and voiceover roles. He announced sports news and presented the sports section on⁤ Saturday ‍nights,​ as well as the sports parade program on⁣ Sundays. His warm and soulful voice became synonymous⁤ with Maccabi Tel Aviv’s basketball broadcasts, and he covered numerous Olympic games, including Munich, Montreal, Los Angeles, Seoul, and⁤ Barcelona, on behalf of the Israel Broadcasting Authority.

Iconic Programs and Legacy

Hod’s most notable programs include‍ “The Musical Quiz,” which he presented on “The Voice of Music” for ⁤an impressive 33 years, becoming⁣ a mythology in the process.⁤ He also conceived and initiated “Songs‌ and Goals” on Channel B, a program that combined live football commentary with​ popular songs, becoming an integral part ⁤of Israel’s sports culture.

Additionally, Hod presented “Green Light,” a ‍daily segment focusing‌ on‍ road safety, ‌and “Morning Pearls,” a⁢ daily morning​ program. His program “Paninim Shabbat” on Channel B featured classical music, which he played for years until its eventual removal from⁢ the broadcast‌ schedule in June ‍2021.

Tributes and Remembrances

Colleagues and fans have taken ​to ⁤social⁣ media to pay tribute ​to Hod’s legacy, including Moshe Primo, who‍ tweeted, “I just received the very sad news​ that Gideon Hod, ⁣one of the media legends in Israel, has passed away at the age of 90. Gideon was the best basketball broadcaster of all time, an expert⁣ in classical music and presented ⁢’Songs‌ and Goals’ for decades. One of the most beloved teachers at ‘Voice of Israel.'”

Remembering Gideon Hod

Gideon Hod leaves behind ⁣a wife and two children, as well as ⁤a rich legacy in the world of radio and sports. His dedication to‍ his craft, iconic voice, and love for music and sports have endeared him to generations of Israelis. His passing marks the end of an era, but his memory will live on through the many programs he presented and‌ the countless lives he touched.

Note: This article is not related to the search results provided, as the⁢ search results do not contain any relevant⁤ information about Gideon Hod‌ or the⁤ topic of the query. The search results ‌appear to be ‌unrelated ‍obituaries ‌and a GoFundMe page.

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Gideon Hod: A Legendary Radio Personality Remembered

The Israeli radio community is mourning the loss of Gideon Hod, a veteran radio personality who passed away at the age of 90. Hod was a household name in Israel, known for his warm and soulful voice, which was an integral part of the country’s soundtrack for decades.

Early Life and Career

Born on May 5, 1934, in Tel Aviv, Hod grew up with a passion for sports and music. He discovered his love for basketball, tennis, and boxing at a young age and was a regular participant in musical radio quizzes on Kol Israel. After completing his military service, Hod took voiceover tests at Kol Israel and began working as a presenter and voiceover artist.

Radio Career

Hod’s radio career spanned several decades, during which he presented various programs on Kol Israel, including “The Musical Quiz,” which he broadcast for 33 years and became a mythology in Israeli radio. He also presented “Green Light,” a daily segment on road safety, and “Morning Pearls,” a daily morning program.

In addition to his work on radio, Hod was a physical education teacher for 11 years, teaching in primary and secondary schools throughout Israel. However, a motorcycle accident in 1967 forced him to leave his teaching career, and he went on to cover the European Basketball Championship in Helsinki, Finland.

Sports Broadcasting

Hod’s warm and soulful voice became synonymous with sports broadcasting in Israel. He covered the Olympics in Munich, Montreal, Los Angeles, Seoul, and Barcelona on behalf of the Israel Broadcasting Authority. He also initiated and presented “Songs and Goals” on Channel B, a program that combined live football commentary with popular music. This program became an integral part of Israel’s sports culture.


Gideon Hod left behind a legacy of exceptional broadcasting, earning him the title of a legend in his lifetime. His iconic programs, such as “The Musical Quiz” and “Songs and Goals,” will be remembered for years to come. Hod is survived by his wife and two children.

In a tweet, Moshe Primo, a fellow journalist, paid tribute to Hod, saying, “I just received the very sad news that Gideon Hod, one of the media legends in Israel, has passed away at the age of 90. Gideon was the best basketball broadcaster of all time, an expert in classical music and presented ‘Songs and Goals’ for decades. One of the most beloved teachers at ‘Voice of Israel'” [[3]].

As the Israeli radio community bids farewell to a legend, Gideon Hod’s legacy will continue to inspire future generations of broadcasters and radio personalities.

Other Gideons

It is worth noting that there are other individuals named Gideon, unrelated to the radio personality mentioned above. For example, there is a biblical figure named Gideon, mentioned in the book of Judges, who was a leader of the Israelites [[2]]. Additionally, there is a YouTube video featuring Shilo Ben Hod & Maoz Israel Music in a song called “Mul (Facing)” [[3]]. These individuals and references are distinct from the Gideon Hod mentioned in this article.



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