Remarks by Chae Yi-bae in ‘Moon Reflection Statement’ on Yun Ho-jung’s responsibility theory… Democratic Party

The Democratic Party is increasingly demanding the resignation of Vice Chairman Yun Ho-jung over the responsibility for the presidential defeat. Chae Lee-bae’s remarks, who demanded an apology from President Moon, are also sparking internal redness.

Correspondent Koh Ji-hyun.


Yun Ho-jung, chairman of the Democratic Party’s emergency response committee, held a series of meetings with first- and re-elected lawmakers.

The opinion that Chairman Yoon, who is responsible for the loss of the presidential election as the floor leader, should resign, saying that he is not suitable as the non-captain leader;

[김종민/민주당 재선 의원 : (윤호중 비대위 체제가) 저는 조금 쉽진 않을 것 같아요. 당을 단합시키는 그런 방법을 고민을 해볼 필요가 있다 이렇게 봅니다.]

It is said that the reality theory that defends Chairman Yoon, saying that there is no alternative at this time, is said to have been tightly opposed.

[조오섭/민주당 초선 의원 : 현재 상황에 (윤호중 비대위 체제에) 대해서 인정을 하고, 앞으로 남겨진 과제에 대해서 추진하는 분위기였다는 걸….]

Chairman Yoon said he would make a decision to advance and retire soon.

The rupture within the party surrounding the non-captain is being heard everywhere.

In an interview with a media outlet, Chae Yi-bae said, “I want President Moon Jae-in to leave a statement of remorse in his resignation letter, saying he missed the opportunity to apologize because he was noticing Kang-seong’s supporters.”

Then, pro-moon lawmakers from the Blue House demanded an apology, saying, “Isn’t it good politics to seek out when the election is necessary, and to write a letter of reflection to the president when the party is in trouble?”

Rep. Min Hyung-bae called it ‘reckoning’ and called for the immediate dismissal of member Chae.

It is expected that the controversy over the non-captain party will also affect the next parliamentary election scheduled for next week.



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