Remarkable Recovery: Tukul Arowana’s Journey After Brain Hemorrhage Surgery

2023-09-28 05:30:59


Tukul Arowana’s health condition was said to be much better by his friend, Vega Darwanti. Vega said Tukul can now walk and communicate smoothly.

Vega said Tukul can now walk with the help of a cane. He can also communicate fluently, and can even joke with the people around him.

“Now I can walk with a cane, I can speak fluently. I can joke around,” Vega told reporters in the South Jakarta area, Tuesday (26/9).

Vega said the change in Tukul’s health condition was very fast. He said Tukul had experienced difficult times when he first underwent recovery.

“At first it was difficult. But now it’s much better,” said Vega.

Tukul Arowana previously experienced a brain hemorrhage in September 2021. He underwent surgery at the Jakarta National Brain Center Hospital and fell into a coma.

After undergoing surgery, Tukul’s condition gradually improved. He underwent physiotherapy to restore his condition.

Now, Tukul can carry out normal activities and has started to return to work. He has even started shooting for his newest television program.

Watch the video “Tukul Arowana’s condition after a year of brain hemorrhage surgery”


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