Relying on Live Content, Local Brands Successfully Recorded 22-Fold Sales Growth

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Relying on Live Content, Local Brands Successfully Recorded 22-Fold Sales Growth
The local brand Ardenleon is growing rapidly thanks to the e-commerce platform. (Dok Ardenleon)

FASHION is one of the industries experiencing rapid development in Indonesia. Not only does the trend cycle continue, the emergence of more and more local brands and their innovations makes them increasingly loved by the public. The children’s clothing trend has become one of the local fashion segments that has grown in recent years.

Seeing the great potential offered in the children’s fashion segment, Ronald Kartawinata, owner brand Ardenleon locals say that there is still a lack of it brand Local, which operates in the children’s clothing segment, has made itself present quality and affordable children’s underwear products in Indonesia.

“We, who previously ran a home business with a focus on underwear products for women, decided to try creating brand children’s underwear, namely Ardenleon. Until now, not only providing underwear, we have expanded our product line by presenting daily wear“, Muslim clothing, licensed clothing collections such as PinkfongBaby Shark, Chibi Maruko-chan, Peppa Pig, and Marvel Avengers, as well as our newest product, namely batik,” said Ronald in his official statement, Tuesday (22/10).

Ardenleon’s journey begins with joining the platform e-commerce, Shopee.

Even though initially he only received hundreds of daily orders, Ronald also acknowledged the success of his business journey which was supported by transactions that took place at Shopee.

“Not only did he play a role in the initial pioneering period Ardenleon, Shopee also has an impact, especially during the pandemic. Seeing how people’s shopping behavior has changed from offline become onlinethis is what we managed to convert into massive sales turnover in Shopee. We are still studying various businesses and strategies, one of which is modern and contemporary digital marketing strategies, in line with the needs of consumers in this era. Currently, one of the keys that attracts a lot of public attention is online sales livemaking product videos, and customer satisfaction testimonials are the keys to attracting buyers’ attention Shopee,” explained Ronald.

With various strategies and efforts, starting from regularly following campaigns and optimizing interactive features, this has produced good results where Ardenleon’s daily orders can reach thousands of orders. In fact, by participating in a special campaign ShopeeArdenleon successfully set a record of reaching 7,000 orders in just one day. Ardenleon’s rapid growth is also reflected in sales increasing more than 2.5 times from year to year.

Ronald emphasized that Ardenleon has big ambitions to grow, therefore, as the owner of Ardenleon, he continues to explore the potential of the various features offered at Shopee like Shopee Live And Shopee Video.

“These interactive features have given us the opportunity to provide a new shopping experience for consumers. The point of attraction is not only the excitement it brings, but this feature allows us to show the product directly. This allows consumers to better understand the quality, product details and how to use the products offered. “So it becomes one of the things that can support consumer shopping decisions,” he said.

Since actively doing live streamingRonald said that Ardenleon had experienced an increase in the number of products sold in Shopee Live more than 22 times compared to last year.

“During live streaming, we often do demos to show the advantages of our products; comfort and quality, such as children’s underwear, daily wearand a very popular batik collection. This has proven effective in attracting buyers’ attention. The highest peak of interaction and sales occurred during the twin number campaign, Paydayand the Ramadan period,” added Ronald.

Ronald stated, one of the superior features of Shopee Live is the existence of a basket that allows customers to directly add products to the basket and carry out checkout easily. On the other hand, features Shopee Video also helps Ardenleon provide more detailed and in-depth product information.

“The feature also allows Ardenleon to highlight certain trends and themes that can improve engagement with customers,” he explained.

As one of the local brands that is increasingly successful, Ardenleon assesses Shopee has a significant role in helping local brand partners and MSMEs to develop further. Through the campaign program presented by Shopeethe platform allows local brands to reach a wider range of customers and increase visibility. (J-3)

#Relying #Live #Content #Local #Brands #Successfully #Recorded #22Fold #Sales #Growth
Interview with ⁣Ronald Kartawinata, Owner of Ardenleon

Editor: Today, we have ⁤the ⁤pleasure of‍ speaking with Ronald Kartawinata, the owner of the rapidly growing children’s clothing brand, Ardenleon. Thank⁤ you ‍for joining us, Ronald.

Ronald: Thank you for having ‍me!

Editor: Your brand ⁤has seen⁢ an impressive 22-fold growth in sales recently. What do ‌you ‍attribute⁢ this remarkable success to?

Ronald: A combination of factors has contributed ⁢to⁤ our success. Initially,‍ joining⁤ the e-commerce platform Shopee was‌ a ‌game-changer for us. It provided a broader audience and made our products⁤ easily accessible. Additionally, during⁣ the pandemic, shopping ⁤behavior shifted ‌dramatically from ⁣offline to⁤ online, and ⁤we adapted quickly ​to this change.

Editor: That’s fascinating! You mentioned using digital marketing strategies to connect with consumers. ​Can you elaborate on what strategies have worked best for Ardenleon?

Ronald: ‌ Definitely! We focused heavily on live ⁤shopping experiences and creating engaging video content. Live sales and⁣ customer testimonials resonate with our audience, creating a personal connection. These interactions not only showcase our products but also build trust ⁤with potential customers.

Editor: It’s ⁣clear that interactivity plays a significant role ⁤in ‍your success. How have features like Shopee Live and Shopee Video impacted your business?

Ronald: ‍ Those features have‍ transformed our approach‌ to ⁢selling. ⁢They allow⁣ us to ⁢present products directly⁣ to consumers in a lively and engaging manner, which⁢ helps them understand the quality and ⁢use of ⁣our​ items. This direct engagement helps⁣ consumers feel more ⁣confident in their purchasing‍ decisions.

Editor: ​ The children’s ‍clothing segment is growing rapidly in‍ Indonesia. What ‌innovations are you bringing to this market?

Ronald: We started with children’s underwear, but we’ve expanded ‌our product line to include daily wear, licensed collections from‌ popular⁤ franchises like ‍Baby Shark and Marvel, and even traditional batik clothing.⁤ Our goal is to provide quality‌ and affordability while celebrating​ local culture.

Editor: ‌ That sounds like a great mix of products! Looking ‍ahead, ‍what are your‌ ambitions for Ardenleon?

Ronald: We have big plans for the‌ future. We aim to continue expanding our product​ range‌ while ​leveraging the full potential of e-commerce.‍ Our focus is on maintaining growth and​ ensuring that we meet the evolving needs of our consumers.

Editor: ⁢ It’s exciting to hear about your vision for Ardenleon. Thank you, Ronald, for sharing your insights with us today.

Ronald: Thank‍ you for ‌the ⁣opportunity! It’s been⁢ a ‍pleasure.

Become essential for us. Shopee Live allows us to directly interact with customers, demonstrate our products’ benefits, and encourage immediate purchases. We’ve seen our sales during live streaming sessions increase significantly—more than 22 times compared to last year! Meanwhile, Shopee Video helps us provide in-depth information about our products, catering to the needs and interests of our customers. It has really enhanced our engagement and contributed to building a loyal customer base.

Editor: That’s incredible! It sounds like you’ve really tapped into what consumers want. What future plans do you have for Ardenleon?

Ronald: Our vision is to continue expanding our product line and improving our online presence. We’re also exploring collaborations and partnerships that align with our brand values. Ultimately, we want to ensure that Ardenleon remains a go-to choice for families seeking quality children’s clothing at affordable prices.

Editor: Great to hear! Any advice for other local brands looking to achieve similar success?

Ronald: My advice would be to embrace e-commerce and digital marketing wholeheartedly. Understand your audience and adapt to their shopping behaviors, especially in a post-pandemic world. Utilizing interactive features on e-commerce platforms can tremendously enhance customer engagement and drive sales. Lastly, consistency is key—be persistent in your efforts, and don’t hesitate to innovate.

Editor: Thank you, Ronald, for sharing your insights and the inspiring journey of Ardenleon. We look forward to seeing your continued success!

Ronald: Thank you! It’s been a pleasure to share our story.

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