The second edition of the Heroes Ceremony, held on March 27 at the Ritz, rewarded 5 industrial entrepreneurs.

100 candidate SMEs and ETIs, 25 selected in 5 categories (human, environment, digital revolution, export and strategy), the 2023 Heroes Ceremony

Organized by Entreprise du Futur, in partnership with Bpifrance and La French Fab, the Heroes Ceremony brought together no less than 170 CEOs of SMEs and industrial ETIs, from all over France.

« We have always had sources of inspiration, heroes able to inspire us, to guide us in our choices and actions to build our future. confided Alban Guyot, Managing Director of the Company of the Future. ” We have made it our mission to introduce you to new, unknown ones, capable of surprising you and making you think for years to come. This is the very DNA of this Heroes Ceremony. »

5 industrial entrepreneurs rewarded

At the end of a colorful evening, 5 industrial entrepreneurs were rewarded in 5 different categories.

  • “Human” prize: Marie Debureaux, CEO of Groupe Dubois
  • “Environment” Prize: Arthur Lepage, President of Reborn
  • “Digital Revolution” Prize: Pascal Laguerre, CTO of Daher
  • “Export” Prize: Federico Musi, CEO of Look Cycle
  • “Strategy” prize and grand prize-winner of this 2023 edition: Anne-Charlotte Fredenucci, President of Ametra Group.

Also read- Daher: from shipowner to industrialist via logistician, a look back at 160 years of transformation