Relieve Sore Throat and Tonsillitis with Sugar-Free and Dairy-Free Ice Cream

2023-12-26 05:24:18

Ice cream without sugar and dairy products…can help relieve sore throat and tonsillitis

Entered 2023.12.26 14:24 Views 3 Entered 2023.12.26 14:24 Views 3

When you’re sick, ice cream may seem like it’ll make your symptoms worse, but that’s not always true. Ice cream surprisingly helps relieve inflammation. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]When I have a cold, I especially want to eat ice cream. This is because when your throat hurts and itches, you want to feel a cool, sweet taste like ice cream. When you’re sick, ice cream may seem like it’ll make your symptoms worse, but that’s not always true. Ice cream surprisingly helps relieve inflammation.

According to Healthline, an American health information media, eating ice cream can temporarily relieve sore throats due to its cooling and soothing effect. However, the high sugar content in ice cream can worsen symptoms by increasing inflammation and lowering immunity. Fortunately, these days, there are many ice creams with less sugar, so you can feel refreshing without any side effects. All you have to do is choose ice cream with less sugar.

Is ice cream good for tonsillitis?
Ice cream’s cold, creamy texture may provide a soothing effect for some people with tonsillitis. The coldness of ice cream can temporarily numb a sore throat, and its creamy taste provides a comforting and easy-to-swallow source of nutrition. Ice cream is an especially helpful food following tonsillectomy. One study examined the effect of ice cream consumption on immediate postoperative pain following tonsillectomy and compared it to a room temperature diet. According to this, consuming ice cream relieved pain. Compared to preschool children, school-age children were found to benefit more from consuming ice cream following surgery.

Sugar can make sore throats and tonsillitis worse.
Sugar is bad for your immune system because it can cause inflammation and weaken your body’s ability to fight off infections. Consuming a lot of sugar reduces the effectiveness of white blood cells, which play an important role in defending once morest disease. You may be more sensitive, especially if your sore throat is caused by a virus or bacteria. Accordingly, it is best to avoid sweet foods containing sugar when you have a cold such as a sore throat.

What ice cream is good for when you have a cold and have a sore throat?
If you must eat ice cream when you have a sore throat, choose a specific type of ice cream.
Ice cream with low sugar content=Choosing ice cream with low sugar content or sugar-free ice cream can help your throat feel softer.
Dairy-free ice cream = People with dairy allergies may experience additional stress on their immune systems. Instead, you can substitute non-dairy alternatives, such as ice cream made with coconut milk or almond milk. It’s a creamy, soothing snack without the potential for dairy-related problems.

fruit sherbet = Sherbet made from fruit is generally low in fat and contains no dairy products. It’s a light snack that’s great to eat when you have a sore throat. Fruit sherbet is mostly made from real fruit and can provide essential vitamins and antioxidants that can help soothe your throat. It may still be high in sugar, so it’s best to choose a brand with no added sugar.

soft texture = Choose ice cream with a soft and creamy texture. Ice cream with crunchy or hard mixtures can irritate painful areas.

When you have a sore throat, which is better: cold or hot food?
Both cold and warm foods (but not too hot) can help soothe a sore throat. The preference varies from person to person. Some people may prefer popsicles, while others may want warm bone broth. Both can provide comfortable relief, so eat them according to your preference.

In a study of 120 children (ages 4 to 12) who had undergone tonsillectomy, one group was given cold food and the other group was given room temperature food following surgery. The temperature of the diet following tonsillectomy did not appear to have a significant effect on pain severity, bleeding, nausea, or vomiting.

Warm foods, such as soup or warm tea with honey, can also help relieve throat discomfort. However, in general, avoid eating food that is too hot following tonsillectomy.

What foods can cause throat inflammation?
There are several foods known to cause throat inflammation.
spicy food= The heat from the spices can irritate the throat, causing inflammation and discomfort.
acidic foods andFood = Citrus fruits, tomatoes, foods high in citric acid, and acidic drinks such as orange juice and carbonated drinks can cause sore throats due to their acidity.
hot drink = Very hot drinks, such as hot tea or coffee, can burn the throat walls and cause inflammation.
dairy product = Some people may experience a sore throat and thicker saliva when consuming dairy products.
Alcohol = Alcohol can dehydrate the throat and worsen irritation, and is especially dangerous when consumed in excessive amounts.

Reporter Jeong Eun-ji

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#throat #hurts #ice #cream.. #eat



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