Relieve Muscle Cramps Quickly: Expert Advice by Dr. Douglas Levy Biau

2023-06-13 23:24:29

The muscle cramp occurs suddenly and is very painful. On the foot, on the toe, on the calf… Advice with Dr Douglas Levy Biau, sports doctor, to relieve it (quickly).

Common among sportythe muscle cramp can occur for other reasons (deficiencies, maladies…) in humans, femme, without exercising. Very painful, it requires to be relieved quickly.

What is a cramp?

Cramp corresponds to a painful, uncontrollable, transient muscle contraction. Cramp differs from a contracture which persists for a longer period of time. Cramps frequently occur during exercise or just at the end of it, and mainly concern striated musclesunder voluntary control, essentially the muscles of the limbs, in particular of the legs. A cramp comes on suddenly and lasts for a few seconds to several minutes before disappearing without any consequences.

What are the symptoms of a muscle cramp?

Muscle cramp is manifested by sudden onset of pain in one or more muscles (arm, neck, back, thigh, calf, foot, etc.). THE muscle appears contracted on palpationet its solicitation increases the pain and the patient is relieved by stretching this muscle. On the other hand, the pain disappears spontaneously when stimulation is stopped, in a few minutes at most.

What causes cramps?

Generally, cramps reflect muscle fatigue. Cramps can also be caused by abuse of stimulants (alcohol, tobacco), heat (which promotes dehydration) or taking certain medications.

Sport.  “The cramps are more common in athletesthey translate a lack of training“, emphasizes Dr. Douglas Levy Biau, sports doctor. They are also favored by excessive muscular effort, insufficient warm-up and the absence of stretching of the muscles used at the end of the effort.

Maladies. “It is important to differentiate idiopathic cramps from those related to a disease”. Cramps can be related to diseases affecting the muscles or nerves innervating these muscles. In this case, they are then the consequence of a renal failureof a dehydrationof dialysis or of neurological pathologies (as the multiple sclerosis) or liverworts.

Deficiency. Cramps can be caused by a lack of potassium, magnesium and/or calcium.

There is no specific treatment except when a pathology is the cause“, explains Dr. Douglas Levy Biau, sports doctor.

Immediately stretch and relax the muscle contracted following cessation of solicitation: during a calf cramp for example, performing a dorsiflexion of the achieved foot by slowly pulling the toes and foot towards the front of the leg.

If the cramp is violent or recurs frequentlythe use of certain medications such as muscle relaxants (drugs that relax the muscles), vitamin B 12, from quinine. The passion flower and arnica can also relieve cramps.
Hydration and calm muscle use for a few minutes following the pain has stopped usually reduce the excess of undesirable molecules and prevent the onset of a new cramp.

If the cramps are caused by an illness identified, it is by managing it that we can hope to reduce their frequency of occurrence.

What grandmother’s remedies to get rid of a cramp?

Many so-called “grandmother” tips exist to relieve cramps. There is no scientific proof of their effectiveness, but no risk to test them. In her book, “My bible of health tips”, Sophie Lacoste recommends:

  • Fmake a small cure of banana and chocolate (dark)for their magnesium and potassium intake.
  • Breathe well to relax the muscles. To get rid of cramps, take a deep breath in, expanding your lungs for 7-8 seconds, then release for 7-8 seconds.
  • cranberry bark would also be effective. Sophie Lacoste advises “make a decoction and drink a third of a cup of coffee to make the cramps disappear in less than twenty minutes.”

To prevent cramps, it is essential to keep well hydrated in general and particularly during or in anticipation of a major effort. Athletes should pay particular attention to their warming up. After the effort, stretching sessions slowly should be recommended on intensely stressed muscles. In any case, you should always take the advice of your doctor when cramps occur, especially when they are too frequent and not related to effort.

Cramps during pregnancy

The cramps are very common during pregnancy, especially in the last few months. However, it is possible to relieve them easily. To get them through, stand up and massage your leg. Take care to get up slowly. Pay particular attention to the passage between the lying position and the sitting position. Don’t get up suddenly. Rotate your pelvis and shoulders at the same time to roll onto your side, then use your arm as leverage to pull yourself up and sit on the edge of the bed.

Thanks to Dr. Douglas Levy Biau, sports doctor.

#calf #foot..



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