Relevant information about Zhou Dongyu breaking up with his rich second-generation boyfriend and laughing at himself as a single dog_新广网

2023-05-30 14:32:02

guide Hello everyone, Kobayashi will explain to you. Many people don’t know about Zhou Dongyu breaking up with his rich second-generation boyfriend and laughing at himself as a single dog. Let’s take a look now! 1. Zhou Dongyu…

Hello everyone, Kobayashi will explain to you. Many people don’t know about Zhou Dongyu breaking up with his rich second-generation boyfriend and laughing at himself as a single dog. Let’s take a look now!

1. Zhou Dongyu broke up with her rich second-generation boyfriend and laughed at herself as a single dog. The movie “Run in Love” was promoted in Beijing yesterday. There are pictures of Liang Jing kissing her director husband Guan Hu in public, and Wu Mochou and Zhou Dongyu announcing that they are single. It can be said that a love movie is a mixture of two different styles.

2. Liang, Jiji Zhang, Guan,

3. The promotion meeting of the movie “Running Love” was held in Beijing yesterday. The content included the scene of Liang Jing kissing the director’s husband Guan Hu in public, as well as Wu Mochou and Zhou Dongyu’s self-certified declaration. It can be said that a love movie is a mixture of two different styles.

4. Liang Hu is in love.

5. “Running Love” was filmed by directors Zhang, Guan Hu, and Gao Gao, telling five love stories. Zhang Yi and Liang Jing, who had just collaborated in “Old Paoer”, were arranged to be middle-aged couples who lost contact within their marriage.

6. The director Guan Hu wrote this story. When introducing this unit yesterday, Liang Jing said that when she saw the script, her heart was full of surprises, especially unlike his previous hard work (referring to Guan Hu), and it was not like “Old Paoer”. After hearing that I was going to Istanbul to film,

7. Nicole agreed without saying anything. When the star couple was asked about the secret of keeping love fresh, Guan Hu reacted quickly, saying: Women are like children, they need to be coaxed. Unexpectedly, Nicole refuted this (words) should be me. Under the booing of everyone at the scene, Nicole took the initiative to kiss Guan Hu.

8. Tiantu envies others.

9. The promotion meeting of the movie “Running Love” was held in Beijing yesterday. The content included the scene of Liang Jing kissing the director’s husband Guan Hu in public, and Wu Mochou and Zhou Dongyu’s self-certified declaration. It can be said that a love movie is a mixture of two different styles.

10. Liang Hu is in love.

11. “Run to Love” was filmed by directors Zhang, Guan Hu, and Gao Gao, telling five love stories. Zhang Yi and Liang Jing, who had just collaborated in “Old Paoer”, were arranged to be middle-aged couples who lost contact within their marriage.

12. The director Guan Hu wrote this story. When introducing this unit yesterday, Liang Jing said that when she saw the script, her heart was full of surprises, especially unlike his previous hard work (referring to Guan Hu), and it was not like “Old Paoer”. After hearing that I was going to Istanbul to film,

13. Nicole agreed without saying anything. When the star couple was asked about the secret of keeping love fresh, Guan Hu reacted quickly, saying: Women are like children, they need to be coaxed. Unexpectedly, Nicole refuted this (words) should be me. Under the booing of everyone at the scene, Nicole took the initiative to kiss Guan Hu.

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14. Tiantu envies others.

15. Wu Mochou clarified that hidden marriages are wrong.

16. Among the nine stars participating in “Run to Love”, Zhang Ziyi and Peng Yuyan are responsible for the winter love song in Hokkaido. Director Zhang revealed that this was Zhang Ziyi’s last film before her due date, and Wang Feng also came to visit the set. Speaking of the love between Lili and Tong Liya in the film, Zhou Dongyu smiled.

17. The most eager to have each other’s figure. The road romance that happened in the United States is a fresh match between Wang Qianyuan and Wu Mochou, fellows from Northeast China. Wang Qianyuan revealed that the love between the uncle and Lori in the film just wanted to stir up trouble, but it ended abruptly because they couldn’t find a partner, which is really a pity.

18. During the filming process, several leading actors have completed important events in their lives. Michelle Chen confirmed that she will marry Chen Xiao this year; Tong Liya and Chen Sicheng’s first child will be born this year; Zhang Ziyi also went to the United States and gave birth to her and Wang Feng’s daughter in a low-key manner. On the contrary, before the movie was released, Wu Mochou and Zhou Dongyu,

19. Emotional topics come out. Wu Mochou officially clarified that the news about her hidden marriage on the Internet is all fake, and she has never been married until now. But when asked about her boyfriend, she refused to say more, only said that she hoped to meet a boy she liked in the new year. Dongyu Zhou, who announced her relationship last year, confirmed her return to being single.

20. He jokingly compared himself to a single dog, eating dog food at home every day, looking forward to the next beautiful story happening soon.

This article has finished sharing the relevant information about Zhou Dongyu breaking up with his rich second-generation boyfriend and laughing at himself as a single dog. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

#Relevant #information #Zhou #Dongyu #breaking #rich #secondgeneration #boyfriend #laughing #single #dog_新广网

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