“Chilling” for the Patrinos Carnival by ERT: For the first time in television history, the broadcast of the main parade is not only “ostracized” from ERT-1 and transferred to ERT-3’s program with poor viewership, but the worst is that it equates to… Xanthiotiko Carnival!
It’s regarding a huge degradation of our Carnivalsince according to the official plan of the state television, ERT-3 will simultaneously broadcast, on Sunday, March 17, from 2 in the followingnoon the parades of Patrinos and Xanthioti Carnival!
And if that wasn’t enough, will interfere with connections and the pulse of the day from other parts of the Greek region!
The two-hour program, which will be presented by Nikos Pitsiakidisit is realized that will have Patra as a part of the broadcasts and extras and not as a protagonistas was the case until last year.
So, instead of the two hours of pan-Hellenic and worldwide broadcast which traditionally secured the Patrinos Carnival through the television rebroadcast of ERT-1 in Greece and abroad, this year it will be “sacked” in 120 minutes, which will be shared equally in the Carnival of Xanthi and in other corresponding carnival events of the country!
Which, of course, constitutes a major blow to the prestige and reputation of Patrinos Carnival!
For the major issue, the newspaper “Peloponnese” addressed to president of the Carnival Organization Ira Kouriwhich declared ignorance (!) regarding this development and underlined that the communication sponsorship contract signed between ERT and KEDIP-Carnival Arts provides for a two-hour broadcast of the national parade and not a piecemeal one, as has been launched by ERT-3.
However, in any case Ms. Kouri did not clarify to “P” if she knew that the broadcast would be made by ERT-3. He emphasized that ERT decides on the program, but she remains to communicate, as she said, herself with the channel’s leaders, in order to have the official position of the state channel.
But, apparently, this development not only should it not be a surprise for KEDIPbut it should to be aware of. And this, because both in the press releases of the Carnival Organization and in the posts on the official website of ERT, ERT-3 and not ERT-1 is mentioned as the sponsor of communication!
And the question that automatically arises is, why did the Carnival Organization and the Patreon Municipality accept as a sponsor the third most watched state channel and not the first? Did he really know that the broadcast will be from ERT-3 and not from ERT-1? And if, as it seems, he did know, why did he accept this degradation?
#Relegation #ERT3 #Patrinos #Carnival #blow #prestige #reputation #citys #top #celebration