Riyadh: Kerala Cricket Association (KCA) Riyadh President Shabin released the winner’s trophy of Royal Cup Season Three tournament organized by Youth India Cricket Club. Sian (Best Cargo), Rafi (Eidar Holidays), Sahal (T&H), KCA Secretary M.P. Shahdan and Abdul Karim (Youth India Football Team Manager) spoke. The tournament fixture, rules and regulations were also announced at the venue.
Representatives of major sponsors Universal Heavy Equipment, Sara Spare Parts, Rice Bowl Restaurant, Paragon Group, Rahat Restaurant and 16 team members participating in the tournament were present at the event. Ashfaq Kakodi welcomed and Faisal Kollam gave vote of thanks.
Rishad Elamaram as host. Anseem Bashir, Muhsin Ayyadan, A.K. Shafiq led the way. Officials informed that the matches will be held on October 6 and 14.