“Relaxation Course” –

Investigators hope that the 40 DNA samples already collected from residents of the town of Terno d’Isola, in the Bergamo area, will provide more details on the murder of Sharon Verzeni, the 33-year-old stabbed in the street after midnight on July 30. In addition to the residents of the area, the profiles examined also include family members and rescuers to exclude the people who took care of her after the young woman sent a request for help to 118 on the evening of the murder. In the meantime, the Scientology lead is being explored. According to Bergamo News, the woman and her partner were getting closer to the church founded by former writer L. Ron Hubbard in 1954. The online newspaper reported that, although the couple had completed the pre-marital course at the parish in March, for a few weeks Sharon had been attending Scientology meetings in a nearby town with some friends. The murdered woman’s father was asked for his opinion on this point.

Sharon, the Scientology trail opens: where the investigations lead

“She worked there at the bar and the owners are Scientologists. They suggested she take a course, initially on being positive at work. Then, recently, her friend at the bar suggested a relaxation course. Nothing that ever sounded strange to me, in fact I told her: if you want, do it, if it can be useful and it relaxes you”, confessed Bruno Verzeni, Sharon’s father, in an interview with Repubblica. “Sharon was a simple, cheerful girl. I was waiting for the moment to walk her down the aisle, she was getting married next year. But that moment will never come. I can’t explain it to myself, no one could have had it in for her, she never hurt a fly. I hope they catch the culprit: not for revenge, but so that he doesn’t hurt anyone else. And I hope they find someone, if there is one, who has the courage to say what he saw”, added the man.

#Relaxation #Tempo
2024-08-20 06:27:30



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