Relatives Demand Freedom of “Political Prisoners” with Vigil Near Prison

Caracas, Nov 13 (EFE).- A group of relatives of detainees in a prison located in northern Venezuela held a vigil near the penitentiary center, which ended this Wednesday, to demand the freedom of those considered political prisoners and that -they maintain- can enjoy Christmas with their loved ones.

Through publications in relatives’ walk around the penitentiary center.

The protesters released white balloons, with the names of the detainees and “messages of freedom”, outside the San Francisco de Yare Prison, located in the state of Miranda, and also lit dozens of white candles with which they formed on the floor. the word “justice.”

According to the Committee for the Freedom of Political Prisoners, there are more than 300 detainees in that penitentiary center in the context of the post-electoral crisis, after the protests registered in rejection of the official result of the presidential elections of July 28, in which The National Electoral Council (CNE) proclaimed President Nicolás Maduro as the winner.

The largest opposition coalition in Venezuela – the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) – joined the petition of the relatives to demand the freedom of all “Venezuelans who are behind bars for dissenting from the regime of Nicolás Maduro, before and after 28 of July.

“May this Christmas be without political prisoners and may freedom be the beginning of the peaceful change that we Venezuelans decisively chose,” said the PUD in X.

According to the NGO Foro Penal, there are 1,963 “political prisoners” in Venezuela, of which 1,836 were detained after the presidential elections, in which the PUD claims that its candidate, Edmundo González Urrutia, won by a wide margin.

Of the total, 69 are minors and are between 14 and 17 years old, according to the organization, which claims to register “the largest number of prisoners for political purposes known in Venezuela, at least in the 21st century.”


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⁢What ​are the specific examples of how the international community can pressure the Venezuelan ‌government to release political prisoners ⁤and ensure their future​ release?


主题:委内瑞拉家属抗议政治犯 languishing in⁢ prison


**主持人:** 今天我们知道委内瑞拉全国各地有许多政治犯 ​languishing 在监狱里。我们从 EFE 的报道中了解到,一群家属在监狱附近举行了守夜活动,要求释放他们的亲人,让他们能在圣诞节与家人團聚。让我们请来拉丁美洲人权观察员Alex Reed, 谈谈这场抗议活动和委内瑞拉的政治犯问题。

**Alex Reed**: 谢谢邀请,很高兴能来谈谈这个重要的话题。

**主持人:**⁣ 能否简单介绍一下委内瑞拉的政治犯问题?我们知道,这已经持续了很多年。

**Alex Reed**: ‌委内瑞拉的政治犯问题确实非常严峻。过去几年来,數百人因其政治观点或 Involvement in 行动被任意拘留。他们被指控各种罪名,例如叛乱、煽动叛乱,甚至损害国家利益。许多人没有得到公平审判,在糟糕的条件下被囚禁。

**主持人:** 我们听到家属们在监狱附近举行抗议,他们希望他们的亲人在圣诞节前能回家。他们表示,他们的亲人是政治犯,而不是罪犯。您对此有何看法?

**Alex Reed**: ‌家属们的抗议活动是非常令人感动的一场抗议活动,他们正在为他们被监禁的亲人争取正义。许多被捕的人都是和平抗议者,人权捍卫者,或政治异见人士。他们的唯一“罪行”就是行使他们的言论和結社自由。

**主持人:** 您认为国际社会应该如何应对委内瑞拉的政治犯问题?

**Alex Reed**: 国际社会应该继续施压,敦促委内瑞拉政府立即释放所有政治犯,并保证未来的引用释放,并提供公正的审判。国际社会也应该对那些参与迫害政治犯的人员进行问责。

**主持人:** 谢谢您接受我们的采访,Alex Reed。希望委内瑞拉的政治犯能早日重获自由。

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