2023-11-12 04:25:00
It is possible that, in order, we find a healthy way of life. It excites, relaxes, it is easier to detect what is happening to us and why.
It is necessary to comment that I am not simply referring to the order of objects in homes or the workplace. Nor to the vehicle. Although of course, it makes life easier to know where everything is. And let’s put a stop to it and stay floating with this example of things, and then return to it later.
There is another type of order. The intern. Internal order-external order. They are not always a reflection of each other for the eyes of others.
Piaget spoke of order in the following way: “It is defined as: rule observed to do things; methodical arrangement of things, successive and harmonious placement of elements, distribution, succession, placement of things in their rightful place, rule established by nature. From these definitions we can deduce that, in general, two categories or kinds of order can be established: a logical order implicit in our nature, in which each element occupies the place that corresponds to it in an objective, natural way, and an arbitrary or subjective order in that each element occupies its corresponding place according to a subjectively pre-established assignment, to which the notion of order as a sequence, called pattern, is associated.”
This definition, which might seem far from my reflection columns, hides a great secret to be revealed in the following lines. As psychopedagogues, we extensively deepen these concepts in relation to the learning processes, observing how it is distributed, corresponds, organized, sequence, etc. and from the clinical psychopedagogical perspective, we observe how this logical and arbitrary order come together, what hinders or stimulates the learning processes.
Taking into consideration that life processes involve learning, we can observe how our internal disorganization It influences not only learning and cognitive development, but also personal relationships.. Mentioning this… “arbitrary or subjective order, I am going to return to the order of the objects and their logic.
Examples: When working with papers or simply cooking, disorder is generated. It is logical because work is being done and the person who stars in the action can know exactly in which corner of the counter he left the condiment. Those who are not intervening and appear may assume that there is chaos. It is simply an internal order.
Arranging the tackle, for example, is another logical exercise. Where everyone wants to store their belongings. It is a subjective classification. It is neither good nor bad, the function is to be useful.
All this to comment on our internal classification. Knowing what is mine and yours, mine and not yours, yours and not mine, is also a logical order that must be worked on.
Observing in parallel the verbalizations: “He is just like me, he does the same thing that I did at his age” he would be lacking order. Your child’s life is your child’s, yours, yours. They are not the same person. That saying, it’s just like me, implies that you are probably delegating unresolved wounds from his childhood to your son. His son must carry them with a lot of love and probable frustration because by doing so, he will deny his own existence.
In the same way that famous people “Me at your age…” you at your age were another person, with another reality and another story. Genes are inherited, yes, but only 50% and then living beings are transformed by life.
So, for the good of your children and humanity, order your existence.
Laura Collavini
[email protected]
#Relationships #order