Rejects AMLO’s “blackmail” opposition

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Rejects AMLO’s “blackmail” opposition

After President Andrés Manuel López Obrador asked opposition legislators to rebel and vote freely in favor of his electricity reform ruling, so that they are not “traitors to the homeland”, PAN, PRI and PRD deputies rejected this call and They said they don’t have the jacket left.

“I have information [de] what [hay] legislators from the PRI, and in one of those even from the PAN, who do not agree with voting to continue protecting private companies (…) I am trusting that they will vote freely and rebel. And I call for that, for them to rebel so that they are authentic popular representatives and not employees of created interest groups, that they are not traitors to the country, that they rebel, that they have the arrogance to feel free, that freedom is not implored , freedom is conquered”, assured the Head of the Executive from the National Palace.

Opposition deputies from the PRI, PAN and PRD clarified that the President’s declarations that those who vote once morest the electricity reform will be traitors to the country do not weigh on them, because “we do not have the bag left.”

In interviews with EL UNIVERSAL, they advanced that this does not change their position of rejecting the opinion; Meanwhile, Morena’s bench called for caution, but also asked them to “think of Mexico.”

The coordinator of the PAN, Jorge Romero, described as “very serious” the declarations of the Head of the Federal Executive.

“That the President spends his time threatening his opposition instead of doing politics is very, very serious, and more serious [es] Believing that being once morest a reform is equivalent to betraying the country, is something unprecedented, I have no words, no matter how much President you are, these statements are very serious”, he said.

The albiazul leader recalled that the party in power does not have the numbers, so if he wants a reform he must do politics, starting with the President: “Simply and simply it is important that they understand that they do not have the numbers.

“The [AMLO] he has no interest in doing politics, when he wants to do politics we may be interested, but yes [quiero] make it clear that for the PAN his statements are very serious. In no way do these statements change our position, we are more united than ever once morest a regressive, retrograde and hurtful reform”.

Likewise, the deputy Cynthia López, a member of the Constitutional Points Commission, in charge of approving the opinion, said: “We do not have the bag left, but if [ser] traitors to the homeland is to take care of the country, that they call us traitors, we are taking care of Mexico, that they do not want to blackmail us, we will vote once morest it, period”.

He added that, in any case, those who would betray the country would be the members of Morena’s caucus and their allies, who intend to endorse a reform “harmful to Mexico.”

“Betraying the country is hurting the companies that have invested in the country… betraying the country is raising electricity rates… betraying the country is wanting to carry out a reform that does not support Mexicans, wanting make a public monopoly and go once morest clean energy, which is what Morena is doing,” he asserted.

On his occasion, Luis Espinosa Cházaro, leader of the PRD in San Lázaro, also categorically rejected the statements of President López Obrador.

“You have to listen to those who know regarding the matter, and (…) they said very clearly that our proposal is much more serious, much more realistic, much more solid, and then traitors to the country would be those who try to deceive the people , as they did with the price of gasoline, saying that it was going to cost 10 pesos and now it is 23 pesos, to lie is to betray.”

Regarding the statement that the Va por México proposal protects businessmen, the coordinator of the Aztec sun declared: “It is false, (…) point six of our proposal says that we will attack the abuses of companies (… .) and we say how, unlike the presidential proposal, which does not say how electricity prices are going to fall (…) [ni] how are they going to control the CFE and the excesses it might have with Manuel Bartlett at the helm?

In contrast, the leader of Morena, Ignacio Mier, avoided openly supporting the President, but he did ask the opposition to “think of Mexico.”




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