Reinforcements Approaching Kiev: Moscow Prepares New Offensive near Kupyansk

2023-08-26 07:24:00

Reinforcements approaching Kiev: Moscow prepares new offensive near Kupjansk

08/26/2023, 09:24 am

For several weeks, the Russian army has been launching heavy attacks in the direction of Kupyansk. According to information from Kiev, Moscow’s associations in the region are reorganizing and bringing in reinforcements. Apparently to start a new offensive.

According to the Ukrainian army, the Russian army is gathering troops for a new offensive. “After a month of fierce fighting and significant casualties in the direction of Kupyansk and Lymansk, the enemy is regrouping its forces and assets, while at the same time moving newly formed brigades and divisions out of the territory of the Russian Federation,” Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Land Forces Oleksandr Syrskyi wrote in the Telegram -Channel of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.

“The main objective of these measures is to increase combat potential and resume active offensive operations.” At the same time, Russia continues to conduct heavy artillery and mortar fire. The Russian Air Force is also active. Ukraine must “immediately take all measures to strengthen our defenses on the threatened lines and, if possible, to advance”.

The Ukrainian army announced last week that it would move reserves to the Kupyansk area due to the tense situation. Earlier, local authorities had ordered an evacuation of civilians around the city. According to Austrian Colonel Markus Reisner, the Russian 1st Guards Tank Army advanced centrally at Kupyansk with the left and right flanks. Moscow’s troops have not yet succeeded in making a major breakthrough, the military expert said in an interview with

Kupyansk was liberated last fall as part of the Ukrainian counter-offensive. Since then, however, the city and the surrounding area have been repeatedly under Russian artillery fire. Since mid-July, the Kremlin’s associations in the region have again recorded smaller gains in territory. In mid-July, a Ukrainian press officer spoke of allegedly 100,000 soldiers that Russia had massed on the Kupyansk and Lyman front sectors.

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