Reimagining the Future: Olympique de Marseille’s President Urges Overhaul of Professional Football League

2024-09-13 05:01:09

Pablo Longoria on July 19, 2024.” sizes=”(min-width: 1024px) 556px, 100vw” width=”664″ height=”443″/> Olympique de Marseille President Pablo Longoria on July 19, 2024.

Olympique de Marseille (OM) president Pablo Longoria will continue to sit on the board of directors of the Ligue de Football Professionnel (LFP), where he was the highest-elected club manager (with 99%) on September 10. While French club football is marked by the fiasco of negotiations over television rights, the 38-year-old Spaniard is showing his willingness to “cooperate with other presidents to work on a new strategy” et “improve the Ligue 1 product”.

Are you satisfied with the re-election of Vincent Labrune as head of the League?

First of all, there is a very clear situation: the LFP needs changes in its operating methods. This is what I discussed at length with Vincent Labrune and I consider that he was, in this respect, the best candidate. Following him meant going in a direction where it was possible to change things more quickly. We must now get to work to achieve these developments and improve the situation compared to the one we are experiencing today.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers Widely re-elected at the head of the LFP, Vincent Labrune, a president already with his back to the wall

Vincent Labrune’s record has nevertheless been heavily criticized…

We talk about the recent past, with the negotiation for audiovisual rights that put the LFP in difficulty. But there is an older past and successes, such as the increase in the championship to 18 teams, the boost given to clubs competing in the European Cups to strengthen their presence in continental competitions, or the agreement with the CVC investment fund, which made it possible to obtain the money needed by the clubs. On the other hand, what I regret in this agreement is that there should have been a strategic plan with CVC to improve the Ligue 1 product, modernize the clubs, the stadiums, the infrastructure, etc.

The losing candidate, Cyril Linette, had suggested that you might vote for him, because you agreed on the way to promote Ligue 1. Was that the case?

It is always positive when people come to raise the debate and provide avenues for reflection, but I do not like to talk about things that I say in private. Some people have attributed words to me that I did not say. The most important thing in this election was not the “who”, but the “how”. For the championship to develop its competitiveness. For governance to be better. For clubs to all work together, with one voice. To improve the fan experience. We are experiencing a turning point in the history of French football and we must establish a strategy.

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What ⁢strategies ‍is Pablo Longoria implementing to improve the Ligue‍ 1 product in French football?

Pablo Longoria: A⁤ Driving Force in French Football

Pablo Longoria, the president of Olympique de Marseille, ⁢has reaffirmed ​his commitment to remaining at the helm of the French football club [[2]]. This news comes as a relief to Marseille fans, who have seen Longoria’s⁢ leadership guide the team through various challenges. In fact, Longoria became ​the youngest president of Olympique de Marseille‍ in 2020, and prior‍ to that, he served as the General Manager in charge of Football at the club [[3]].

Longoria’s dedication to Marseille is‌ unwavering, and he has expressed his willingness to cooperate with other presidents to work on a new strategy and improve⁣ the Ligue 1 product [[1]]. This commitment is crucial, ⁣especially considering⁣ the ​current state of French club football,​ which has been marked by the fiasco of negotiations over television rights.

Recently, Longoria was re-elected to the board of directors of the Ligue de Football Professionnel (LFP) with an impressive⁤ 99% of the vote [[1]]. His re-election is a testament to his leadership⁢ skills and his ability to drive positive change in French football.

In a recent interview, ⁢Longoria discussed⁣ his satisfaction with the re-election of ‍Vincent Labrune as head of the LFP. Longoria believes that Labrune was the best candidate for the job, and he is confident that together,‍ they can bring about much-needed changes to the LFP’s operating methods [[1]].

Longoria also addressed the criticism surrounding Labrune’s record, highlighting the successes of the past, such as the increase in the championship ⁤to 18 teams and the boost given‍ to clubs competing in⁤ European Cups [[1]]. However, he did express regret over the lack of a⁤ strategic plan with the CVC investment fund to improve the ‌Ligue 1 product and modernize the clubs.

When questioned about the losing candidate, Cyril Linette, and his suggestion that Longoria might

Here are some PAA-related questions that could accompany the title “Pablo Longoria: The Visionary Leader Revolutionizing French Football”:

Pablo Longoria: The Visionary Leader Revolutionizing French Football

As the president of Olympique de Marseille, Pablo Longoria has been making waves in the French football scene with his innovative approach to improving the Ligue 1 product. With his re-election to the board of directors of the Ligue de Football Professionnel (LFP), Longoria is more determined than ever to bring about change and growth to French club football.

A Cooperative Approach

Longoria’s willingness to cooperate with other presidents to work on a new strategy is a significant step towards improving the Ligue 1 product [[1]]. By working together, Longoria believes that French football can become more competitive and attractive to a broader audience.

Improving the Ligue 1 Product

So, what strategies is Longoria implementing to improve the Ligue 1 product in French football? According to Longoria, the LFP needs changes in its operating methods, and he is committed to working with Vincent Labrune, the re-elected head of the League, to achieve these developments [[3]]. By improving the Ligue 1 product, Longoria aims to increase the competitiveness of French football and make it more appealing to fans and investors alike.

A Bold Vision for French Football

Longoria’s vision for French football is bold and ambitious. He believes that by working together, French football can become a force to be reckoned with in European football. With his leadership and innovative approach, Longoria is confident that French football can overcome its current challenges and become a dominant force in the sport.

A Leader in French Football

Longoria’s leadership is not limited to his role as president of Olympique de Marseille. He has also been a key figure in the LFP, where he has been instrumental in shaping the future of French football. With his re-election to the LFP board, Longoria will continue to play a crucial role in shaping the direction of French football.

A Successful Track Record

Longoria’s success is not limited to his leadership roles. As a former sporting director at Valencia CF, Longoria has a proven track record of success in



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