Régis Onanga Ndiaye, Minister of Foreign Affairs, head of the government mission staying in Port-Gentil since April 22, launched the rehabilitation work on secondary roads in the four districts of the economic capital. With his fellow Ministers of Public Works, Flavien Nzengui Nzoundou and that of Youth and Sports, Dr André Jacques Augand, they invited everyone to take responsibility as a guarantee of a prosperous Gabon.
“That means that you, like us, sons of the province, are responsible for what will happen here; If things go wrong, we will all be responsible and we will pay the price.”made Mr. Onanga Ndiaye, head of the delegation, clear.
The rehabilitation of these all is the fruit of a promise made by the President of the Transition, General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, who deplored the state of decrepitude in which the roads of the economic capital are found.
The four districts of Port-Gentil in particular are affected by this road repair; the airport-Massuku bakery axis, mini price-transfo washing at Place de la Résistance, SEEG-Pouabou turning point and finally Matanda-Marché Moukala bakery. Covering a distance of nearly 800 meters, this work will be carried out by the company Soco TP and Delors Services.
According to the special delegate of 1is district of Port-Gentil Jean Gilbert Magnoungou, “we however request from you if possible, that the sand from the excavations and earthworks of the site be used to fill the puddles, swamps and other defects of the roads awaiting rehabilitation. And not for sale to local residents as observed in other projects.”
Abandoned by the politicians of the Gabonese Democratic Party from the province of Ogooué-Maritime, these roads brought shame to the city of Port-Gentil, economic capital, city of black gold. Despite billions of taxpayers’ money invested, they have never been the subject of special maintenance for community development.
‘Before us, many people passed through here, many people received money, many people promised to change Port-Gentil. You know the results,” notes Régis Onanga Ndiaye.
Delivery of work on these road sections of less than one kilometer is planned in six months.
Jean Jacques Rovaria Djodji
2024-04-24 15:12:25
#Rehabilitation #PortGentil #roads