2023-01-25 23:00:00
The National Assembly did not retain the Senate’s plan to request approval on the 1is October 2023 to digital asset service providers (PSAN), introduced as part of the bill on various provisions for adaptation to European Union law (DDADUE) in Hervé Maurey’s initiative, rapporteur for the Finance Committee. The deputies preferred the establishment of a “enhanced recording” from 1is January 2024.
If Hervé Maurey is delighted that the National Assembly has expressed, like the Senate, its will to improve the protection of saverscontrary to the Government, which considered it premature to strengthen the requirements imposed on these players, it regrets that this system adopted by the deputies, which creates a third status (registration, approval, and now “reinforced registration”), i.e.:
– more complex – if the deputies considered that the supervisory authorities were not ready to advance the authorization, will they be ready to manage a third regime ?
– and especially less protective of savers. The “victorious” press releases from the operators reveal the less constraining characterand therefore less protective for savers, of this device.
It is now up to the mixed parity committee to decide and try to adopt a more favorable framework for savers.
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