Regulating Plastic Surgeries: Ensuring Responsible Practices and Accountability

2023-07-10 15:26:00

July 10, 2023 – 12:26 PM

Faced with the different discussions unleashed around plastic surgeries and the intrusion into medicine due to the case of Silvina Lunathe president of the Medical College of Catamarca picked up the glove and assured that the complaints should not be “a shot in the air” and must be made responsibly before the Justice.

He Dr Mauricio Figueroa He spoke with Mañana Central from Radio Ancasti and pointed out that “it is an issue that we have been making visible for a long time due to the irregularities that occur in daily practice.”

He said that “some of them (irregular or illegal issues) have to do with the exercise without registration. Others with intrusiveness in medicine, people who advertise not only for aesthetics but for other branches of medicine.

Figueroa pointed out that, when they give or suspect someone who practices medicine in Catamarca without the enabling title, the complaint is made in the criminal justice system and they do not have “the expected response.”

“With the case of Silvina Luna, everything has become a bit more media-focused and makes us all, society, and especially professional associations, reflect on how we can articulate better regulation and control.”

He stressed that “plastic and reconstructive surgery is a medical specialty” to which “it is accessed having a certain academic training, previously you have to be a general surgeon, you do training, residences, postgraduate courses, etc. and you access that specialty,” he said. . “And aesthetic medicine is confused out there with plastic surgery, it is a medical practice that is authorized by the Medical College.”

In this sense, he noted that “the medical college has 37 practices, as do all professional colleges” and that one can access these “aggregate qualifications of experts from various branches of medicine,” so the essential requirement “is to be a doctor to develop a certain activity and obviously the institution that authorizes it is the Medical Association”.

He noted that “in aesthetic medicine there are 15 professionals in the province who are qualified, of which 13 are current and two are with their expired practices.”

In addition, he referred to statements in different media by a professional who “caused alert in society”, which he does not share.

“Knowing the regulatory framework that the institution has, we aim that not just anyone do them. If someone is aware that another person is doing it and has the proper evidence, he must report it to the Justice”, explained Figueroa.

“People must be informed, be insistent with the person who is going to provide a service. This professional states that he knows that people are carrying out activities in clandestine places or that they carry out practices that have nothing to do with what they are prepared for. One invites a colleague to know that with the responsibility that it is up to doctors to make the complaint in a Judicial Unit so that letters are made on the matter and automatically the Medical Association becomes a complainant”, declared Dr. Figueroa.

He was blunt in stating that “complaints cannot be generic, they have to be made once morest certain people with certain evidence that later the Justice will decide if they are pertinent or not” and that it is “a negligence of certain people” not to make the complaints that correspond. “Throwing a shot like that into the air and letting it land where it lands, it doesn’t have to be like that,” he summed up.

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#aesthetic #medicine #professionals #province #authorized



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