Usually, after successfully passing the exam, people order a driver’s license at the “Regitros” branch, but the company reminds that there is a more convenient and faster way to do it – the license can be ordered online, as soon as you get out of the exam car.
The ability to receive many services online helps customers plan their time better, so ordering a driver’s license online is no exception. “Regitra” notices that 21-40 year olds use this opportunity most actively. age persons, which is as much as 45%, the least common are beginners aged 15-20. drivers, i.e. only slightly more than 8 percent. from all driving licenses ordered online.
Due to the smooth exchange of data with other institutions, the process of ordering a driver’s license online is extremely simple: medical institutions “Regitrai” provide electronic medical certificates, and a person’s photo and signature are taken from the Population Register. “Regitra” invites you to use this convenient opportunity not only when changing your driver’s license, but also when ordering it for the first time.
From now on, special stickers with a QR code will be affixed to all exam cars, which after scanning, the future driver will be able to immediately order a license and not rush to the department, but enjoy becoming a new driver. In this way, the person will save time, and the certificate will be delivered directly to the home or the nearest post office.
“Responding to the customers’ need to receive services here and now, we affixed stickers with a QR code on all exam cars, which the driver can scan and order a certificate online as soon as he gets out of the car. I believe that the new driver will find a way to use the saved time in a more interesting and meaningful way”, says Tautvydas Paliulis, director of the Service Management and Development Department of “Registra”.
There is a noticeable trend that online ordering of driver’s licenses is growing every year: here is 2018. 8 percent were ordered online, in 2019 – 15 percent, in 2023 – 35 percent, and in 2024 8 months, almost 40%. from all issued driver’s licenses.
You will find all the detailed information about ordering or changing driver’s licenses On the registry website.
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2024-08-28 06:59:52