2023-05-09 22:00:00
N° 546
Registered at the Presidency of the Senate on April 21, 2023
aiming To create and record national of the cancers,
By Ms Sonia de LA PROVÔTÉ, Mr Yves DÉTRAIGNE, Ms Nassimah DINDAR, Mr Jacques LE NAY, Ms Françoise FÉRAT, MM. Pierre LOUAULT, Alain DUFFOURG, Mrs Catherine MORIN-DESAILLY, Lana TETUANUI, MM. Michel CANÉVET, Philippe FOLLIOT, François BONNEAU, Loïc HERVÉ, Philippe BONNECARRÈRE, Michel LAUGIER, Mrs Jocelyne GUIDEZ, MM. Jean-Marie JANSSENS, Hervé MARSEILLE, Pierre-Antoine LEVI, Jean-Pierre MOGA, Jean-Michel ARNAUD, Hervé MAUREY, Ms Brigitte DEVÉSA, Annick BILLON, Mr Jean-Marie MIZZON, Ms Denise SAINT-PÉ, Christine HERZOG, Mr Olivier CADIC, Mrs. Annick JACQUEMET, Sylvie VERMEILLET, Mr. Claude KERN, Mrs. Françoise GATEL, Anne-Catherine LOISIER, Nadia SOLLOGOUB, Mr. Olivier HENNO, Mrs. Élisabeth DOINEAU, MM. Laurent LAFON, Jean-François LONGEOT, Mrs Amel GACQUERRE, Mr Jean-Paul PRINCE, Mrs Dominique VÉRIEN, Mr Jean-Marie VANLERENBERGHE, Mrs Nathalie GOULET, MM. Vincent CAPO-CANELLAS, Bernard DELCROS, Patrick CHAUVET, Stéphane DEMILLY, Mrs Évelyne PERROT, Mr Gérard POADJA, Mrs Daphné RACT-MADOUX, Valérie LÉTARD, MM. Jean HINGRAY, Olivier CIGOLOTTI, Mrs Annie DELMONT-KOROPOULIS, MM. Bernard FIALAIRE, Gérard LONGUET and Vincent DELAHAYE,
(Sent to committee social affairssubject to the possible constitution of a special committee under the conditions provided for by the Rules.)
#Registre #national #des #cancers