Registrations for Itaipu children’s story contest are still open

Asuncion, IP Agency.- Registration is still open for those interested in participating in the children’s story contest “The story of Luna”, the jaguar (Pantera onca), which is part of the Itaipu Center for Wild Animal Research (Ciasi) and is under human care. Registration is due until October 4.

Among the terms and conditions, whose details appear in the link it is established that the competition is aimed at teachers, teacher training students, pedagogical and didactic university qualification from public, private and subsidized educational institutions; of any level and modality.

Participants must be residents of Paraguay and first, second and third degree relatives of Binacional employees are excluded from this call.

“We are already receiving a good number of entries, which were sent by participants through the email address provided in the terms and conditions. This shows that the project excites the public to whom the contest is directed and we believe that we will have massive participation,” said Daniel Olmedo, from the Environmental Education Division of Itaipu.

He added that face-to-face promotions of the competition were recently carried out, aimed at students from the National Institute of Higher Education (Inaes), the “Saturio Ríos” Teacher Training Institute in San Lorenzo, and the Teacher Training Institute in Ciudad del Este.

The writing must be a children’s story, belonging to any subgenre (fantasy, historical, science fiction, adventure, among others). It must contain a brief story about our protagonist, for which the contestant will have to use the following information: “Luna is a young jaguar who, while still small, was orphaned and was captured and taken to a rural establishment, where she remained until she was rescued and brought to the Center for Research on Wild Animals (CIASI) of Itaipu Binacional. She has lived there ever since, under the care of the professionals of the Entity…”

For the writing of the story, requirements such as linear narrative structure, originality, Spanish language, maximum of two pages, among other characteristics established in the rules and conditions of the contest must be considered.

The texts may be approached from any perspective, whether economic, ecological, social, cultural, philosophical, among others. They must always be framed within the theme of the contest. The three best works will be awarded prizes and will be ranked in first, second and third place.

First place will receive a notebook and a printed publication of the literary work. Second place will receive a tablet and third place will receive a smart watch. The first three places will also be awarded a certificate.

#Registrations #Itaipu #childrens #story #contest #open
2024-09-03 19:40:18



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