Registration of first-year students 2024: The process has begun – What are the steps

The registration of the successful candidates of the 2024 National Examinations and the special category of those suffering from serious diseases in the Schools and Departments of Higher Education has begun, which will take place online, from yesterday, Tuesday, September 3, 2024 until Wednesday, September 11, 2024.
The registration of the successful candidates is carried out in the above period compulsorily online, through the 2024 Electronic Registration Information System. The successful candidates can access the 2024 Electronic Registration Information System of the Ministry of Education, Religion and Sports at the electronic address .

To log them into the online application:

A. the successful candidates of the 2024 GEL-EPAL National Exams, enter the 8-digit candidate exam code as username and password, the same one they used to log in to the electronic application of the Computerized Report.

B. The successful candidates of the special category of those suffering from serious illnesses in 2024, are entered into the electronic registration application in the same way as they were used to enter the electronic application of the Application-Computerized Report of Serious Illnesses, using as a username the e-mail address ( e-mail) that is written in their Computer Record and as a security code the one they have already configured for access to the Computer Record of Serious Illnesses.

Successful candidates of the Panhellenic Examinations

Especially for the successful candidates of the GEL-EPAL National Examinations, there will be support from the school units for issues of access to the application of Electronic Registrations. In any case, for the convenience of all successful applicants, a detailed user manual with instructions for each step of the application will be provided in the online application.

In the event that the successful candidates were enrolled from the previous year in a study program of the first cycle of a Department or School of A.E.I. or A.E.A. of the country, are obliged, through the same Information System, to declare the School or Department, in which they are already registered, thus simultaneously requesting their deletion from it, in order to complete the registration in the new School or Department of their success.

The successful candidates who were enrolled from the previous year in a study program of the first cycle of a Department or School of A.E.I. or A.E.A. of the country, but have already proceeded to delete them, contacting directly the Secretariat of the old Department/School in the previous period (before the start of the online process), they are also obliged to declare at the same point of the online application the Department or School of the previous registration .

The application for registration of the successful candidates through the Information System of the Ministry of Education, Religion and Sports has the character of a Responsible Declaration. After entering the application, the successful candidates will be asked to fill in their personal Social Security Number (SIN), which will be verified through interoperability with the National SIN Registry. Among the rest of the information that the user is required to fill in his electronic registration application, is the TIN or Passport number, which usually appears pre-filled with the corresponding value, which the same user filled in on his Computerized Card, but maintaining the possibility of modification.

During the Online Registration process, successful applicants are required to provide their contact details, mobile phone number and email address, which are confirmed through relevant mechanisms of the online application. It is pointed out that the correctness of the contact details is particularly important, as the Secretariats of the Schools/Departments will have the possibility to use them in further procedures. After complying with the above procedure, the registration of the successful candidate in the 1st Semester of studies of the successful Department is complete.

It should be noted that it is possible to cancel a registration application that has been registered and received a protocol number, until the deadline for electronic registrations expires. Thus, in the event that someone finds incorrect information in his application after its final submission, he has the possibility through the Information System to proceed with the cancellation of the incorrect application and the submission of a new one. For the cancellation procedure, the user needs to fill in the 8-digit candidate code and the protocol number of the application to be canceled.

For the Military Schools, the Police Schools, the Fire Academy Schools, the Merchant Marine Academies, the Coast Guard-Hellenic Coast Guard Schools and the Higher Tourist Education Schools, the deadline and the registration process for successful applicants is determined and carried out by the competent authorities Ministries.

Winners of the special category of those suffering from serious illnesses

The winners of the special category of those suffering from serious illnesses, after completing the online registration, must, themselves or through an authorized person, submit to the Secretariats in person or, alternatively, by post with registered letter and receipt, the following supporting documents in order to their registration is complete:

a) A clear photocopy of their police identity card or other public document, which proves their exact date of birth and personal details.

b) A clear photocopy of the Dismissal Certificate: high school diploma or diploma or proof of the school from which they graduated.

c) A clear photocopy of the Certificate of diagnosis of the condition that has been issued either a) by a competent seven-member Committee of the hospital, as they are established every year, by ministerial decision, according to no. Φ.151/17897/Β6/2014 (Government Gazette 358 B΄) joint ministerial decision, or b) by the Committee for examining objections of candidates with serious illnesses for admission to Higher Education at a rate of 5% which is constituted by a joint ministerial decision, following a recommendation of the Central Health Council (KESY) of the Ministry of Health.

d) Three (3) passport-style photos.

Successful candidates with the special category of Greek Citizens of the Muslim Minority of Thrace

The Ministry of Education, Religion and Sports also announces that the registration of the successful candidates with the special category of Greek Citizens of the Muslim Minority of Thrace in the Schools and Departments of Higher Education for the Academic year 2024-2025, is carried out through the same electronic application and during the same period, i.e. from Tuesday, September 3, 2024 until Wednesday, September 11, 2024. To complete their registration, those admitted to Higher Education with the special category of Greek Citizens of the Muslim Minority of Thrace, must submit the application for electronic registration (3-9-2024 to 11-9-2024) to send by courier or submit in person to the Secretariat of the Department / School of their success a relevant certificate, that they are registered in the municipal registers of the Prefecture of Xanthi, Rodopi or Evros. If they have been transferred to another Municipality of another region, then they must send or submit in person as above, a certificate from the specific Municipality from which it can be seen that they were transferred to it, from a Municipality of the above Prefectures.

Graduates of General High School and EPAL, who during their studies at High School distinguished themselves in the Balkan, European or International Olympiad in Mathematics, Informatics or Robotics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Economics, etc.

Finally, the Ministry of Education, Religion and Sports announces that from Tuesday, September 3, 2024 until Wednesday, September 11, 2024, the graduates of General High School and EPAL, who distinguished themselves during their studies at the High School, will submit an application for registration to the Secretariats of the University Departments in the Balkan, European or International Olympiad in Mathematics, Informatics or Robotics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Economics and have been awarded first, second or third prize (gold, silver or bronze medal), in the European Competition for Young Scientists (EUCYS) , in the European Natural Sciences Olympiad (EUSO), with the awarding of the first, second or third prize to them, in the European Mathematical Girls Olympiad (EGMO) with the awarding of the first, second or third prize (Articles 40 and 138 of the 4692/2020 (Official Gazette 111-A’)).

According to the provisions of no. Φ.153/66380/Α5/2021 (Government Gazette 2449 B΄), the above, together with the registration application, submit to the Secretariat of the Admissions Department a Certificate from the Directorate of Examinations and Certifications of the Ministry of Education, Religion and Sports, from which it follows that the required requirements are met as provided in the provisions of articles 40 and 138 of Law 4692/2020 (A’ 111) and article 9 of Law 4777/2021 (A’ 25). Please note that electronic registration is NOT applicable for this special category.

#Registration #firstyear #students #process #begun #steps



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