Registration is extended for firms interested in obtaining the Seal of Good Argentine Design

2023-06-15 19:09:52

The Undersecretariat for Small and Medium Enterprises extended until mid-July the call for Argentine companies interested in participating in a new edition of the Argentine Seal of Good Design (SBD), an official distinction to those products of the national industry that stand out for their innovation, market positioning and design quality.

Provision 264/2023 published in the Official Gazette, extends the call for the initiative until July 17. The extension of the term responds to the “interest expressed by business chambers of strategic sectors.”

The distinction -aimed especially at SMEs and entrepreneurs, and awarded for twelve years- seeks to honor those products that demonstrate an improvement in industrial processes, Increase competitiveness and stand out for design, among other aspects that will be considered. Those who obtain the seal will not obtain financial compensation, but they will be able to achieve greater visibility at a national and international level, since they will appear in the magazine’s annual catalog.

Exhibitions and business rounds

They will also have the opportunity to participate in exhibitions and business rounds with national and international buyers, in addition to being visible in mass-published and specialized design magazines.

Besides, may associate to create export groups, Participate in sending their products to international fairs, use the SBD badge and obtain exclusive benefits to license the Country Brand.

This year the annual exhibition was held between April 13 and 16 at the Kirchner Cultural Center (CCK) where, in addition to presenting a large part of the 392 products that obtained the distinction in the last year (in which a record number of entries and winners was recorded), there were talks with designers, companies and officials linked to the industrial and design sector ; guided tours and the presentation of programs for companies and designers.

product evaluation

The evaluation of the products is in charge of a committee made up of 84 referents of public and private entities related to design and the various productive sectors, from the private, public and academic spheres.

Each interested party may present up to five individual products, product lines, collections or pieces of strategic communication.

Most of the products presented in previous calls are equipment and furniture, but those of clothing also stand out; and those aimed at consumption and use in the industry.

The registration form and the details of the call are available at

#Registration #extended #firms #interested #obtaining #Seal #Good #Argentine #Design



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