Registration for the eighth season of Shark Tank Brasil is open

Small entrepreneurs in search of investments have a new opportunity to achieve their dreams: the Sony Channel reality show, Shark Tank Brasil, has opened registration for its eighth season. Currently, the program is considered the largest in the field of entrepreneurship.

The race is tough, since, following seven seasons, the number of registrations is quite expressive. More than 13,800 entries have already been sent and 400 pitches have been presented formally throughout the reality broadcasts.

Candidates can apply until April 16, 2023. Entrepreneurs can now fill out a form on the program’s website, where they will need to provide their personal data, describe their personal history, history in the business world, and a video of two minutes summarizing the history of the project to be presented. What matters here is to be clear and objective, according to the website, the quality of the video will not be considered, but the analysis of the ideas presented.

It is also necessary to list if the project already exists or if it will be launched through the program, the estimated value to play the pitch, the percentage that the company is willing to give to the investor and if the project already has registered patents.

So far, there is no premiere date for the season, but all the pitches presented throughout the Brazilian version of the program are available on the official channel of the reality show on YouTube.

Interested? Are you a fan of the show? Leave your comment below, commenting on the seasons and which pitch you would like to take to the small screen!

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