Regionals, Gabriella Branca’s (Avs) appeal to vote for Orlando president –

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Electoral Commentary: The Ligurian Choice

So here we are, Liguria! The time has come for you to flex your democratic muscles—hopefully not just to send a very stern emoji to your local politician! In just a few days, the Ligurians will be strutting their stuff at the ballot box, and it looks like a reality show that’s seriously difficult to look away from. It’s not just a battle between candidates; oh no, it’s the Clash of the Titans—Vision versus Vision, Titan-ish style!

On one side we have the incumbent forces—let’s call them Team “Private Before Public.” They’ve really put their back into it… into ruining your public amenities! You’ve got a government that’s more interested in filling the pockets of private individuals than actually rolling up their sleeves to work for the community. It’s like they decided to hand over a list of uncooked spaghetti, the only reason being that it makes for great decoration, but no one actually eats it! If you’re waiting for healthcare, infrastructure, or education to come back into style, you might as well start a knitting club—it’ll probably be a less painful use of your time.

And then there’s the other team—let’s call them Team “Optimism and Opportunity.” This coalition believes in Liguria and its people. They’re all about growth, dreaming big, and tackling the real challenges faced by the citizens. Kind of like a superhero movie, except with fewer leotards and more IRL problems to solve, like ensuring kids can actually access education without requiring a financial loan!

As we meander through this electoral landscape, it’s clear that two visions of society are squaring off for the main event. One side is fixated on the now, often sounding refreshing and modern—like your mate who claims to be on a diet while demolishing a pizza. Meanwhile, the other side is looking toward a future of solidarity and empowerment. They say they want to turn the tides on healthcare, work, and education: sounds fancy, doesn’t it? Just imagine schools being so enticing that young people actually want to attend instead of running off to foreign lands in search of better books and transport. Remarkable!

But we must draw our attention to the crux of the matter—the vote! The struggle is real, dear Ligurians. On October 27th and 28th, your chance to give a loud shout-out on who you want holding the reins will arrive. It’s your moment to strut into the polling booth, armed with your stamp of approval (or choice ping!) and let those candidates know just how you feel, even if that feeling is somewhere between “I’m not sure” and “Please let this end!”

And for the love of all things bright and sparkly, let’s address the abstainers! If you thought skipping the vote was going to make a statement, let’s just say it’s more of a “non-statement.” Picture it: you’ve ordered pizza and don’t bother picking it up. You get no pizza! Your region could very well end up being a sad little slice of economic and social decline, and no one wants to be the “I ordered the gluten-free, but I’m still hungry” person of politics.

Bottom line: voting isn’t just about choosing a candidate; it’s about standing up for your community and wielding your democratic right—the power to shape your future like a sculptor with a particularly squishy piece of clay. So, let’s get out there, Ligurians! Don’t just be bystanders in your own story. Join the script, pen your lines, and let’s give Liguria the future it deserves. Cheers to democracy, and may the best vision win!

Remember, folks—every vote counts, and every voice matters. So make sure yours is heard loud and clear, like a karaoke night gone right! Let’s go shed some light on this ballot situation!

“Dear electricians, gentle voters, gentle voters.
In a few days Liguria will be called to vote to elect the regional president and the council
regional. There is no doubt that the Ligurians deserve to write a new page and to have their rights protected, with a new administration that guarantees and works so that our territory can grow and be valorised, the wounds healed, the opportunities seized.
What Liguria will be asked to do on the 27th and 28th of this month is not just a choice between candidates: the decision is between two visions of our society, between two different ways of understanding the community and our future as Ligurians.

On the one hand we have a government that acted in the interests of the private individual, which hurt our territory by limiting the freedoms of its citizens, which did not want to look at projects that would enhance our strengths and remedy the critical issues. Previous centre-right administrations adopted a government line that increased the gap with the North, limiting the region and compromising it on multiple fronts, from healthcare to transport, from the environment to work, up to infrastructure and internal areas.

The private sector is thus replacing the public sector: treatment becomes increasingly difficult if there is no financial availability, education in the Province of Savona is abandoned by more and more young people who are unable to buy books or reach places of study by public transport, graduates go abroad to find work and opportunities worthy of being seized, and in the meantime the ruling class dedicates itself to other things, imagines imaginative and invasive solutions for an already fragile territory, and favors social classes already benefiting from policies that do not worry about rebalancing the economy and essential and essential living conditions.
On the other hand there is a coalition that believes in its region and in the potential of its territory, in the tenacity of its people, who have a desire for the future and ask to have the opportunity to grow: economically, demographically, culturally.

In this electoral campaign these two visions of society were therefore compared:
one, perched on a present that is only apparently modern and innovative, but in reality a prisoner
of announcement and prejudice; the other, oriented towards a future of solidarity, effective in solving the issues that are dear to many Ligurians, aimed at re-establishing positive priorities: public and functional health for all, safe and fairly paid work, efficient schools (starting with the buildings ), equal opportunities in access to services, protection and enhancement of the territory.
To the electors, to the voters, to the * voter *, the responsibility to choose and the right to do so, through the ballot to be inserted in the ballot box on October 27th and 28th.
Abstaining is useless, it is not a sign of dissent: it is a non-choice that risks condemning our Region to economic and social decadence. Democracy and the principle of democratic participation are the precious and essential system that guarantees us the right to participate in the formation of our collective future. The right to vote is one of the essential cornerstones of democracy, because it allows individuals to have a say in decision-making processes: by exercising our right to vote we ensure not only that our voice is heard, but we also actively contribute to the bigger picture Democrat who upholds principles of
equality, freedom and responsibility.
Every vote is important and fundamental, because it helps to collectively shape the future we want to build, safeguarding our individual rights and freedoms and ensuring that the fundamental values ​​of democracy last for generations to come.

Let’s think about it carefully. Let’s give a future to our territory.”

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