regional security at the heart of Sissoco Embalo’s visit to Ouattara

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While the Dakar Peace and Security Forum, which was to be held next week, has been postponed, the president of the ECOWAS Conference, the Bissau-Guinean Umaro Sissoco Embaló claims to be increasing consultations with his peers. He was in Abidjan on Friday October 7 for a working visit. A time of exchange to talk about the security challenges in the sub-region.

With our correspondent in Abidjan, Bineta Diagne

It is 1 p.m. when Umaro Sissoco Embaló is welcomed at the Petit Palais of the Ivorian presidency. Surrounded by a few ministers and advisers, President Embaló greets his counterpart Alassane Ouattara. The interview lasts half an hour. A moment of exchange, to talk in particular about the security challenges in the sub-region.

« I took advantage of this meeting to indicate to the President our wish to have good relations with all our neighbors and our desire to contribute to calming the situation in our various countries. Obviously it’s not easy, but we’re working on it. “, declared Alassane Ouattara.

Another topic of discussion was on the table: the second coup in Burkina Faso. For now, ECOWAS seems satisfied with the promises made by the new authorities. ” It’s always regrettable, coups d’etat, but the relationship I had with the mediator, President Issoufou told me that Captain Ibrahim Traoré has made a commitment to follow the ECOWAS roadmap so we are on this path Umaro Sissoco Embaló said.

The Dakar Peace and Security Forum, originally scheduled for October 13 and 14, has been postponed. A new date should soon be announced, assures President Embaló, who indicates that discussions are underway to find solutions to security problems.

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