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The regional prosecutor of Bío Bío, Marcela Cartagena, has been summoned to testify in the labor trial stemming from the lawsuit filed by attorney Cristian Bascur, who claimed his dismissal was illegal and unjustified after being accused of leaking information from the Agreements Case to the Regional Government. Bascur maintains that he was actually dismissed in retaliation for testifying in an inquiry involving Cartagena. The hearing is scheduled for this Thursday, where it is expected that the prosecutor will personally respond to the allegations. Bascur’s lawyer will present evidence regarding his client’s role in the administrative investigation facing Cartagena, as well as his performance as a prosecutor. The Public Ministry has indicated that Cartagena will appear in court in compliance with current labor regulations.

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The regional prosecutor of Bío Bío, Marcela Cartagena, was summoned to testify in the labor trial opened by the attorney dismissed from the Public Ministry after being accused of providing information regarding the Agreements Case to the Regional Government.

This Thursday, the first hearing is scheduled in the lawsuit filed by attorney Cristian Bascur, denouncing his dismissal from the Public Ministry last March as illegal and unjustified, where he served as part of the rural violence case team.

Alleged Retaliation

Bascur was accused of leaking parts of the investigation folder regarding the Agreements Case to the Regional Government lawyer, Karen Flores, but what is asserted in the labor action is that he was actually dismissed in retaliation for testifying in an inquiry involving regional prosecutor Marcela Cartagena.

Indeed, the head of the Public Ministry in Bío Bío is the main one summoned to testify in the Concepción Labor Court. In this regard, attorney Freddy Schalchli, representing Cristian Bascur, explained that the purpose of the testimony is for the prosecutor to respond “personally to the accusations made in the labor protection action.”

As evidence to support the lawsuit for illegal dismissal, attorney Schalchli hinted that he will present evidence to the court regarding his client’s role in the administrative investigation facing the regional prosecutor, as well as Cristian Bascur’s work in practice as a prosecutor and not merely as a contracted employee.

Regarding Marcela Cartagena’s summons to trial, the Public Ministry reported that labor legislation allows her to appear personally or delegate that act, and that she will therefore attend court in strict compliance with labor regulations.