Regional Barometer reveals that 42% of the inhabitants of the RM would like to live elsewhere | National

Three universities participated in the Regional Barometer survey for the RM 2022, which showed that 42% of the inhabitants of the metropolitan region would like to live elsewhere.

To 42% of the inhabitants of the Metropolitan region they would like to live elsewhere. This was revealed by Regional Barometer for the RM 2022whose results were known in the last hours.

This is a survey conducted jointly by the University of Chile, the Catholic University and the Andrés Bello University.

One of the main results is the number of people who would like to live elsewhere, which remains similar to the 2019 survey when 41% gave the same opinion.

Reasons for switching include public security with 32%, greater opportunities to meet objectives with 16% and living in a place free of contamination with 12%.

Also, 53.1% said that MRI is stagnant, 33.1% in decline and 13.3% progressing. Meanwhile, 35.3% believe that the situation might get worse, 32.6% that it might improve, and 28.5% that it might stay the same.

On the most important problems that the authorities should pay attention to, he is migration with 37.8%crime and drug trafficking with 26.5% and inflation with 7%.

negative vision

This 2022, the survey was applied thanks to an agreement between the Faculty of Government of the University of Chile, the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Studies of the Catholic University (UC) and the Faculty of Economics and Business of the Andrés Bello University (A B).

The dean of the Faculty of Government of the University of Chile, Leonardo Letelier, pointed out that “I am pleased to launch this initiative and its results, because I believe that the focus on territorial issues, and promoting matters such as decentralization and the problems of Cities are an area that corresponds to an area of ​​great interest within our faculty”.

For his part, the professor of the Institute of Urban Studies of the UC, Arturo Orellana, explained that “the Regional Barometer survey allows more precision on issues related to regional development, attributing responsibilities to the current institutional framework, contrasting with some results that we had in 2019, and that evidently to this day have been overlapping with realities such as the social outbreak and the covid-19 pandemic ”.

Finally, the director of CIUDHAD UNAB, Beatriz Mella, expressed that “there is a negative vision regarding the future of the Metropolitan region, given that there is a critical evaluation of issues that are deeply important to citizens: housing, health and security These are aspects that are poorly evaluated.”

look at the survey



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