Region | Mosquito: 3 people infected in the region with the “West Nile” virus, one in Gardanne

2023-08-18 13:29:44

“West-Nile virus” or more commonly known as the “West Nile virus” has been detected in the area. In a press release published this Friday, the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Regional Health Agency (ARS Paca) indicated that three cases of infection with this virus have been identified.

One person in Antibes in the Alpes-Maritimes, one person in Toulon in the Var and one person in Gardanne in the Bouches-du-Rhône“, details the ARS.

A mosquito-borne virus

The culprit is once again the mosquito. Not the tiger (which is the vector for dengue fever, chikungunya or zika in particular), but the mosquito of the “Culex” genus, a very common species that generally bites in the evening and at night. According to the ARS, the “West Nile” virus is a viral disease transmitted by these mosquitoes which contaminate them through contact with infected birds. “Humans and horses are considered ‘accidental hosts’ of the virus. There is no human-to-human transmission, nor human-to-human transmission of the virus via the mosquito“, develops the ARS in this press release.

A flu-like syndrome

But what are the symptoms of this “West Nile” virus? The ARS explains that “in most cases, human infection is asymptomatic. In some cases, the disease is manifested by a flu-like syndrome (fever, headache, muscle aches) sometimes accompanied by a rash”. In rare cases, the infection can cause “neurological complications“.

In the event of the presence of suggestive symptoms (sudden onset fever accompanied by headaches, muscle pain, swelling of neck glands, rash, or even behavioral problems or incoherent speech), it is It is important to consult your doctor immediately.

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