2023-05-02 01:04:00
Union Regau is working on a new women’s team with a real “power mom”. “Because my three children also play here,” says midfielder Evelyn Trieb.
The Regauer squad now includes 13 players between the ages of ten and 37. “Whereas in my previous footballing stations, the mom role falls to me,” smiles Trieb, whose career led from Mauthausen via Babenberg, Aurach and Vöcklabruck to Regau. In Regau, she not only supports the head coach Wolfgang Pillichshammer in the weekly training, but also leads the U10 youth team herself. “We’re still trying to find reinforcements. However, we’ll have to wait until next year before we get into the championship, until some of the girls have reached the required age of 14 for the fighting team,” explains Trieb.
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