Regarding the improvement of the grassroots epidemic prevention and control system, do you understand these measures? – Highlights- Huasheng Online

A few days ago, the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council and the Central Rural Work Leading Group issued the “Strengthening the Work Plan for the Prevention and Control of Novel Coronavirus Infection in Rural Areas”, requiring all regions and departments to take corresponding measures around “protecting health and preventing severe illness”. Do a good job in the operation of the epidemic prevention system in rural areas, drug supply, severe treatment, protection of the elderly and children, etc., strengthen daily health services, highlight the management of key groups, orderly guide the needs of diagnosis and treatment, provide classified medical and health services, and protect the lives of rural residents to the greatest extent Safety and health, and minimize the impact of the epidemic on rural economic and social development.

Regarding the improvement of the grassroots epidemic prevention and control system, do you understand these measures? Click on the video for your answer.

Reporter: Martha

Produced by the Audio and Video Department of Xinhua News Agency



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