Refresh and gather strength to accelerate the writing of a new chapter in the era of further comprehensively deepening the meteorological reform-Perspective on the 2024 National Meteorological Work Seminar-China Meteorological Administration Government Portal

2024-09-22 10:54:13

The tide of reform is surging, and thousands of sails are racing against each other. Studying and implementing the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party is a major political task for the entire Party and the country at present and in the future.

On the eve of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the 2024 National Meteorological Work Seminar was held in Beijing from September 21 to 22 to conduct in-depth discussions on the overall ideas, work goals and specific tasks for further comprehensively deepening meteorological reform at present and in the future.

Counseling Shandao and Chana Yayan – this is a deepening of understanding, a gathering of consensus, a collision of ideas, and a burst of wisdom. It writes a new page for further comprehensively deepening the climate reform and writing a chapter of Chinese modernization.

“The modernization of meteorological science and technology capabilities and the modernization of social services that we are promoting are Chinese-style modern meteorological practices, and will surely write a new chapter in the era of further comprehensively deepening meteorological reforms!” Before the seminar began, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the China Meteorological Administration, Director Chen Zhenlin’s speech helped everyone further grasp the situation, clarify ideas, and clarify tasks, with a view to anchoring the modernization of meteorological scientific and technological capabilities and the modernization of social services, refreshing, gathering strength, and accelerating meteorological reform and development.

With a clearer direction, stronger beliefs, and more confidence, meteorological workers will promote the implementation of various reform measures with a nail-nailing spirit, and support the grand blueprint of Chinese-style modernization with practical actions and achievements in modernizing meteorological scientific and technological capabilities and modernizing social services. become a beautiful reality.

Refreshing! Scientifically grasp the situation: write a good sequel to practice and a new chapter of the times

Reform and opening up is an important magic weapon for the cause of the Party and the people to make great strides in catching up with the times. It is the most distinctive feature and the most magnificent phenomenon in contemporary China. Further comprehensively deepening reforms is not only a practical sequel to comprehensively deepening reforms since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, but also a new chapter in the era of promoting Chinese-style modernization on a new journey.

This seminar has both theoretical height and practical expansion.

The three “consciousnesses” formed during the discussion illustrate the need to unswervingly advance the modernization of meteorological science and technology capabilities and the modernization of social services by further comprehensively deepening the meteorological reform – in understanding the historical logic, strengthening the political consciousness of further comprehensively deepening the meteorological reform; in understanding the ideological In the process of great power, the ideological consciousness of further comprehensively deepening the meteorological reform shall be enhanced; in the realization of practical requirements, the behavioral consciousness of further comprehensively deepening the meteorological reform shall be enhanced.

Reform and opening up only has a progressive tense, not a perfect tense. Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, especially since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, meteorological reform and opening up has developed in the same direction, advanced simultaneously, and resonated with the national reform and opening up, providing a strong driving force and institutional guarantee for the development of the cause.

Looking back, we have gone through an extraordinary journey; looking from a distance, we are filled with the glory of our dreams. Under our feet is a new direction in history: the current and future period is a critical period for comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation through Chinese-style modernization.

This meeting further led the meteorological cadres and workers to invigorate their spirits and face up to the current new situation, new requirements and new tasks. During the group discussions, the representatives discussed enthusiastically and actively offered suggestions, further deepening their understanding of the current situation and historical opportunities──

“Currently, China’s economy and society have entered a stage of high-quality development. The economic and social system is becoming more and more sensitive to meteorological conditions. Local party committees and governments have higher and higher expectations for meteorological services. People’s demands for meteorological services are becoming more and more diverse. ization, accurate forecasting faces greater challenges.

“We must deeply grasp the historic, revolutionary, and pioneering achievements made by comprehensively deepening reforms in the new era, continuously enhance the initiative and consciousness of further comprehensively deepening meteorological reforms, and provide a more complete basis for advancing the modernization of meteorological scientific and technological capabilities and the modernization of social services. Institutional guarantee, stronger capability support, and stronger source of motivation.

“It is urgent to further comprehensively deepen the meteorological reform, speed up the improvement of meteorological-related laws, policies, standards, systems and mechanisms, effectively improve governance capabilities and governance efficiency, and further highlight the ‘one-day indispensable’ service guarantee role of meteorology, so as to realize the realization of China’s Contribute to modernization and modernization.

Reform is a great undertaking that requires everyone to unite as one.

As promoters, practitioners, and witnesses of the development of the meteorological industry, the representatives at the meeting unanimously stated that it is urgent to further comprehensively deepen the meteorological reform in the new journey. They will closely adhere to the theme of promoting Chinese-style modernization and implement the reform with a nail-driving spirit, one hammer after another. Hammer after hammer, work after work, we will advance the modernization of meteorological scientific and technological capabilities and social services, and write a new chapter in meteorological reform and development.

Gather your strength! Clarify the reform tasks: Promote the modernization of meteorological scientific and technological capabilities and the modernization of social services

At this seminar, the China Meteorological Administration party group planned in advance and organized the drafting of the “Opinions on Further Comprehensively Deepening Meteorological Reform and Promoting the Modernization of Meteorological Science and Technology Capabilities and the Modernization of Social Services (Discussion Draft)” (hereinafter referred to as the “Opinions” (Discussion Draft)). And make it the main content of the meeting discussion. Chen Zhenlin explained the “Opinions” (discussion draft) to everyone to help everyone further clarify their ideas.

The explanation is concise and profound, with an outline and a clear outline. It clarifies a series of contents such as why to change, where to change, how to change, etc., and clarifies a total of 26 reform tasks of “one overall requirement + three high levels + three high efficiencies + one organizational guarantee”. It is the courage and determination to “carry the reform through to the end.”

The explanation reviewed the process of drafting the document: holding multiple symposiums for provincial (autonomous regions, municipalities) meteorological bureaus and national-level business units, conducting 7 on-site surveys and more than 20 special seminars, and fully absorbing the major policy surveys of the China Meteorological Administration Party Group Research and meteorological “15th Five-Year Plan” phased results of pre-study, detailing the reform tasks in each field one by one…

Develop a topic and make a fuss about reform. After in-depth analysis of the current situation and study of the “Opinions” (discussion draft), the representatives at the meeting agreed that they will focus on promoting the modernization of meteorological scientific and technological capabilities and social service modernization, accurately grasp the key tasks and requirements for further comprehensively deepening meteorological reform, and deepen the Implementation provides institutional guarantee and dynamic support for writing a chapter of Chinese-style modernization.

Focusing on further comprehensively deepening the meteorological reform, the participating representatives pooled their efforts and wisdom in exchanges and discussions and reached a consensus:

We must adhere to goal orientation and problem orientation, and focus on improving the modernization system and mechanism of meteorological scientific and technological capabilities –

“It is necessary to solidly promote the development of numerical forecasting, actively develop large-scale artificial intelligence meteorological models, and fully reflect the advantages of agile research and agile governance.” “It is recommended to strengthen the transformation, application, and application of scientific research results oriented to business needs from the perspectives of project establishment, acceptance, and evaluation. Constraint mechanisms, high-level basic business capabilities, and high-level talents support a deeper understanding of responsibilities and missions.

It is necessary to adhere to the feelings of the people, “integrate management into services”, and focus on improving the modernization system and mechanism of meteorological social services –

“More actively integrate into the national security and emergency response framework and local comprehensive disaster prevention, disaster reduction and relief command and dispatch work systems, and give greater play to the effectiveness of artificial weather modification services in serving local development.” “In response to the challenges of the rapid development of self-media, it is recommended to join forces with Internet information The department has strengthened the management of meteorological information release and dissemination, and proactively responded to social concerns with a more comprehensive understanding of high quality and efficiency to ensure safety, high quality and efficiency to promote development, and high quality and efficiency to promote governance.

At the same time, participants held heated discussions around hot topics. “Digital twin atmosphere”, “new productivity” and “low-altitude economy” have become high-frequency hot words.

accelerate! Strengthen implementation: pay more attention to system integration, highlighting key points, and reform effectiveness

To eliminate serious illness, we must start from the areas where contradictions are most prominent; to break down barriers, we must start from the areas where the people most expect. To further comprehensively deepen meteorological reform, we must continue to use the new actions of reform and opening up to gain advantages, gain initiative, and win the future, open up new horizons for meteorological development, and help create a new realm of Chinese-style modernization.

Draw a blueprint, set goals, and clarify directions.

The meeting made it clear that we should closely focus on the main line of promoting the modernization of meteorological science and technology capabilities and the modernization of social services, coordinate the planning and overall promotion of various reforms, and strive to break the institutional and institutional obstacles that restrict high-quality meteorological development, so as to provide strong impetus and help to take the lead in building a modern meteorological power. Institutional guarantee.

Reforms are both broken and established, and obtaining the rules will get twice the result with half the effort. How to take this critical step during this critical period? Representatives at the meeting unanimously expressed that it is crucial to grasp the three “pay more attention”.

Pay more attention to system integration – “The flavor of reform must be strong and the quality must be sufficient.” Adhering to the system concept is a valuable experience in comprehensively deepening reforms in the new era, and is a major principle that must be implemented to further comprehensively deepen reforms. We must adhere to the overall concept and systematic thinking, scientifically plan the strategic focus, priorities, main directions, working mechanisms, and promotion methods for further comprehensively deepening the meteorological reform, and strive to achieve a combination of the overall situation and local parts, a combination of root causes and temporary solutions, and a combination of gradual progress and breakthroughs. Cohesion, promote comprehensive efforts in reform, make breakthroughs at multiple points, move quickly and steadily, and advance in depth.

We must pay more attention to the key points – “Chinese-style modernization, people’s livelihood is the most important.” We must adhere to the people’s supremacy and life first, adhere to the mission and responsibility of weathering to benefit the people, and take meeting the people’s needs for a better life as the fundamental starting point and goal of further comprehensively deepening reforms. . At the same time, we must further strengthen the thinking of the rule of law, highlight the main line of system construction, correctly handle the dialectical relationship between the “breaking and changing” of reform and the “establishing and establishing” of the rule of law, and constantly improve all aspects of systems and regulations through the mutual promotion of reform and the rule of law. Efforts should be made to transform institutional advantages into meteorological governance effectiveness.

It is necessary to pay more attention to the effectiveness of reform – “One point is deployment, nine points is implementation.” From “comprehensively deepening reform” to “further comprehensively deepening reform”, the path becomes more and more determined. On the new journey, we must deeply understand the special importance of implementing reforms, practice the “9119” working method in depth, adhere to initiative, interaction, and linkage, highlight the physical workload, accurately grasp timeliness, and use clear ideas and clear objectives. Responsibility, pragmatic measures, and tenacious resilience ensure that various tasks of further comprehensively deepening meteorological reform will achieve solid progress and remarkable results.

The more you practice, the more knowledge you will gain; the more you know, the more you can practice.

At the end of the seminar, the participants went to the lobby on the first floor of the Meteorological Science and Technology Building of the China Meteorological Administration to visit the theme exhibition of “Remember the Instructions to Innovate and Forge ahead”. Through the sets of images and data, they understood the achievements of meteorological reform and development, and set off again with mission and hope.

(author:Wang LiangLin YutongLuan FeiLi YueHuang Jingyi Editor-in-chief: Xu Nenyu, Liu Dan, Wang Suqin)

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