The proposal for electoral reforms promoted by the Electoral Update and Modernization Commission (CAME) and which was delivered last Wednesday by the judges of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) is at risk of going to the background.
Congressional sources affirmed that the initiative for changes to the Electoral and Political Parties Law (LEPP) that has echoes among the different benches is the one promoted by the deputy of the National Unity of Hope (UNE), Inés Castillo, who has been years in this organization.
The initiative delivered by Castillo with six other legislators, identified with number 6332, was presented to the Legislative Directorate on January 12, a month later it was known in plenary session and sent to the Electoral Affairs Commission for study.
Even deputies who make up the work room hope to have a ruling in a couple of weeks, so that this will be one of the main topics discussed in the second period of sessions.
The reforms
The project contemplates the change to 46 articles of the current standard, in addition to six transitional articles. Among the proposals that stand out is that the blocks summon the TSE magistrates; even if necessary, the plenary session of Congress may dismiss them at any time.
The project also contemplates a modification to article 205 bis “transfuguism”. “Political organizations and legislative blocks of the Congress of the Republic are prohibited from receiving or incorporating deputies who have been elected by another political organization, a prohibition that will be applicable for three years from the date of the general election,” it reads. The initiative.
Although he still does not have a ruling, Castillo began to lobby for it to have the support of the plenary session and accelerate its approval, according to various sources.
Seek opinion
The main speaker of the initiative and current head of the UNE block defended his proposal. He assures that it was carefully prepared. “We have been working on the one we prepared and presented for a year. “We consider it to be a very good proposal,” said the deputy.
When asked regarding the power he would give to Congress to dismiss the TSE judges, he assured that it is an issue that can be modified.
In relation to the article that reactivates transfuguism he said “we already realized that it is not functional. What we do is empower the general secretary of the party who tells you what has to be done in plenary,” he said.
For him, it is prudent to make this modification to avoid pressure on the deputies. “In my view it is harmful to democracy, it does not allow you freedom. “You are under the dictatorship of the general secretary.”
The deputy indicated that he has not read the proposal sent by CAME and that it is prudent to join forces. Although, he preferred that it be his initiative to have a ruling as soon as possible.
“I think we should get it out as soon as possible, I don’t think it should take more than 30 days.”
Under analysis
Castillo’s proposal seeks support among deputies for its approval. But there are issues that deserve a more detailed study, according to the official deputy, Raúl Barreda, who is part of the Electoral Affairs Commission of Congress.
“We would hope to have a robust draft by May because we want to send it to the Constitutional Court (CC) so that when the parliamentary period is reinstated we give it priority; we want to approve it this year.”
Regarding the proposal that deputies can remove judges at any time, Barreda suggested that prior to doing so, a summons would be prudent, but dismissal would not be prudent. Another issue that he said he did not share is returning to the figure of transfuguism.
“We cannot rehabilitate something that generates a lot of noise among the population. That mixtures are generated that are not the result of popular will but of negotiations here in Congress,” he expressed.
The congressman considered that the ideal is to analyze in detail the proposal of Deputy Castillo, together with the one presented by CAME, last Wednesday.
The ideal, in the words of the congressman, is that a joint opinion can be promoted that brings together the best elements of both proposals, so that the CC can then give the approval or recommendations for the electoral reform.
Any questions
The now opposition bloc Vamos doubts the proposals for reforms to the LEPP. Both the one promoted by Deputy Castillo and the one presented by the TSE.
“No one talks regarding the corrupt system with which the vote was carried out and with which an election was stolen,” questions deputy Allan Rodríguez, Vamos block head and two-time president of Congress.
For the congressman, the TSE had shortcomings when presenting the initiative. He questioned that in its preparation the political parties were not taken into account to share the final document with them.
“It is regrettable that the TSE presents a reform without the support of the political parties. “It is absurd that the general secretaries will be invited 15 minutes before.”
Vamos also has doubts, said Rodríguez. “The president of the Electoral Affairs Commission spoke to us and summoned us for next week. We don’t see it with good eyes either because it is a reform that they have been addressing and they invited us until this week.”
Even Rodríguez affirms that the underlying intention is to have a ruling by next week. Something that he does not share because it is a proposal that he assures has not been studied in depth.
“They want to present it on Wednesday, that is what they have told us and we do not agree. They want us to analyze on Monday and Tuesday a topic that carries too much responsibility for the country to present on Wednesday,” she concluded.
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