2023-10-27 17:17:21
The Minister of the Economy, Pierre-Yves Dermagne (PS), presented on Friday the principles of a reform “in depth“class actions in court.
Collective actions allow consumers to group together around a group representative who will take collective legal action.
Belgium will benefit from the transposition of the European directive relating to representative actions aimed at protecting the collective interests of consumers to “speed up procedures” et “facilitate compensation for potentially injured consumers“, beyond what is required by the directive, indicated Mr. Dermagne (PS).
He outlined the main changes planned in this reform. First the phase of admissibility of the request. The judge will no longer have to rule on the system of composition of the consumer or SME group, a step which is currently very long.
#Minister #Economy #PierreYves #Dermagne #announces #indepth #reform #collective #action #procedure