Reformer Pezeshkian wins Iranian presidential election

Following the death of ultraconservative President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash in May, Iran held a presidential election amid widespread public discontent regarding the state of the country’s economy, which has been impacted by international sanctions.

In the second round of voting on Friday, Mohsen Pezeshkian secured 53.6% of the vote, defeating his opponent with 44.3%, according to the electoral authorities. After a first round on June 28 with low voter turnout, the overall turnout for this round was 49.8%.

“The path ahead is difficult; it will only be easy with your cooperation, empathy, and trust. I extend my hand to you,” Pezeshkian, 69, stated on X following his victory.

Many considered Pezeshkian, an MP from Tabriz, a long shot, as his candidacy was approved by the Guardian Council along with five other candidates, all of whom were conservatives.

However, Pezeshkian received support from former presidents Mohammad Khatami (reformist) and Hassan Rouhani (moderate), as well as former Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, who stood by him during his victory speech on Saturday night.

“Your votes have given hope to a society plunged into a climate of dissatisfaction,” the president-elect stated during a speech at the mausoleum of Imam Khomeini, founder of the Islamic Republic near Tehran. “I did not make false promises during this election; I did not say anything I might not keep,” he assured.

State media broadcast footage of a rally in Tabriz on Saturday to celebrate Pezeshkian’s victory.

Iranians interviewed by AFP expressed varying opinions on Pezeshkian’s victory, with some welcoming it while others voiced skepticism regarding change.

“We are very happy that Mr. Pezeshkian won. We need a literate president to solve economic problems,” said Abolfazl, a 40-year-old architect.

“I don’t feel concerned. These (candidates) only raise slogans. When they take power, they do nothing for the people,” said Roya, a 50-year-old housewife.

Known by many Iranians as “the doctor,” Pezeshkian advocates for “constructive relations” with the United States and European countries to lift Iran out of its “isolation.”

However, the Iranian presidency holds limited power. The president is responsible for implementing the broad political guidelines set by the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who is the head of state and holds the ultimate decision-making power on strategic issues.

Khamenei issued a congratulatory message, advising the president-elect to “use the country’s many capacities, especially its young revolutionaries,” to progress Iran.

Ali Vaez of the International Crisis Group noted that Pezeshkian’s victory represents a “break with a series of national elections that have seen the conservative camp strengthen its grip on all centers of power.”

However, he added on X, “the continued dominance of conservatives over other state institutions,” coupled with the limited authority of the presidency, “means that Mr. Pezeshkian will face an uphill battle to secure greater social and cultural rights at home and diplomatic engagement abroad.”

Pezeshkian, a father who raised three children alone following the death of his wife and another child in a car accident in 1993, refers to himself as “a voice for the voiceless.”

The president-elect has called for a resolution to the issue of compulsory veiling for women, a key issue in the widespread protest movement that shook Iran in late 2022 following the death of Mahsa Amini, who was arrested for violating the country’s strict dress code.

The vote garnered significant international attention, as Iran, a major Middle Eastern power, is at the center of various geopolitical crises, including the war in Gaza and the nuclear issue, where Iran opposes the West.

Pezeshkian has pledged to negotiate with Washington to revive talks on Iran’s nuclear program, which have been stalled since the US withdrawal in 2018 from an international agreement reached in 2015.

Opposition figures in Iran and the diaspora called for a boycott of the vote, arguing that both the conservative and reformist camps represent two sides of the same coin.

Saudi Arabia, another prominent Middle Eastern power, congratulated Pezeshkian, with King Salman expressing hope for “developing relations between the two brotherly countries,” which were reconciled in 2023 following years of estrangement.

Other Gulf Arab monarchies, including Iraq and Syria, along with India, China, and Russia, also sent congratulatory messages to Pezeshkian.

Iran Elects Moderate Conservative in Historic Election

In a momentous election held in Iran, moderate conservative candidate Mohsen Pezeshkian has emerged victorious, securing a significant win over his conservative rival. This victory comes amid a backdrop of widespread public dissatisfaction with the country’s economic state, further exacerbated by international sanctions. The election, organized following the tragic death of ultraconservative President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash in May, marked a significant turning point in Iranian politics.

Second Round Victory and Turnout

The second round of voting concluded on Friday, with Pezeshkian securing 53.6% of the votes, compared to his opponent’s 44.3%, according to the electoral authorities. The turnout for the second round was recorded at 49.8%. This comes following a low turnout in the first round held on June 28th.

Pezeshkian’s Victory Speech and Promise for Change

In his victory address on X (formerly Twitter), Pezeshkian, aged 69, expressed his gratitude to the Iranian people and acknowledged the challenges ahead. He stated, “The path ahead is difficult. It will only be easy with your cooperation, empathy, and trust. I extend my hand to you.”

This victory was quite unexpected, as Pezeshkian, a Member of Parliament from the large city of Tabriz, was one of six conservative candidates initially approved by the Guardian Council.

Support from Reformist and Moderate Figures

Pezeshkian garnered support from prominent figures within the political spectrum, including former presidents Mohammad Khatami (reformist) and Hassan Rouhani (moderate). Notably, former foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif stood by his side during a victory speech where Pezeshkian thanked his supporters.

Addressing Public Dissatisfaction and Promises

Pezeshkian acknowledged the widespread public dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs by stating, “Your votes have given hope to a society plunged into a climate of dissatisfaction.” He also made assurances regarding his approach to governance, saying, “I did not make false promises during this election, I did not say anything I might not keep.”

Celebration and Reactions from the Iranian Public

Footage broadcast by state media showcased celebrations in Tabriz, where locals gathered to celebrate Pezeshkian’s victory.

Interviews with Iranian citizens revealed a mix of emotions and perspectives on the election results:

  • Abolfazl, a 40-year-old architect, expressed happiness with Pezeshkian’s victory, stating, "We are very happy that Mr. Pezeshkian won. We need a literate president to solve economic problems."
  • Roya, a 50-year-old housewife, displayed a more skeptical viewpoint: "I don’t feel concerned. These (candidates) only raise slogans. When they take power, they do nothing for the people."

Pezeshkian’s Vision and Policy Focus

Known as “the doctor” by many Iranians, Pezeshkian advocates for “constructive relations” with the United States, a long-standing adversary, and European countries. His policy aims to steer Iran out of its current state of “isolation.”

Presidential Power and Limitations

It is vital to understand the framework of presidential power in Iran. While the president heads the government, the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, holds ultimate authority over strategic issues and sets the broad political guidelines that the president is responsible for implementing.

Reactions from International and Regional Leaders

Ayatollah Khamenei, in a congratulatory message, advised the president-elect to leverage “the country’s many capacities, especially its young revolutionaries” to propel Iran forward.

The election has drawn international attention as Iran, a regional powerhouse, is deeply involved in pivotal geopolitical events:

  • Ali Vaez of the International Crisis Group described Pezeshkian’s victory as a break from the trend of national elections strengthening the conservative camp’s grip on power. However, he cautioned regarding the "continued dominance of conservatives over other state institutions" and the limitations of presidential authority, suggesting Pezeshkian will face significant challenges in achieving his goals.
  • Saudi Arabia, a key regional player, extended its congratulations to Pezeshkian, with King Salman expressing hope for advancing relations between the two countries, following their reconciliation in 2023 following a period of estrangement.
  • Other Gulf Arab monarchies, including Iraq and Syria, as well as India, China, and Russia, also sent their congratulations to Pezeshkian.

Focus on Domestic Issues and Veiling

Pezeshkian, who raised three children alone following the tragic loss of his wife and another child in a car accident in 1993, describes himself as a “voice for the voiceless.” He has expressed a commitment to addressing the issue of compulsory veiling for women, a major cause of the widespread protests that shook Iran in late 2022 following the death of Mahsa Amini, who was arrested for violating the strict dress code.

Nuclear Program and International Negotiations

Pezeshkian has pledged to engage in negotiations with the United States to revive talks on Iran’s nuclear program. These talks have stalled since the US withdrawal from the 2015 international agreement in 2018.

Opposition Call for Boycott

Opposition figures within Iran and the diaspora urged a boycott of the election, arguing that the conservative and reformist camps represent two sides of the same coin, lacking substantial differences.

Pezeshkian’s Vision and Path Forward

With his victory, Pezeshkian faces the significant task of navigating Iran through a complex political and economic landscape. He inherits a country grappling with economic challenges, international sanctions, and public discontent. His emphasis on “constructive relations,” his willingness to address the issue of compulsory veiling, and his commitment to reviving nuclear negotiations with the United States present a potentially transformative agenda for the future of Iran. The success of his vision will be closely watched by the international community as the country seeks to navigate its way through a turbulent and uncertain period.



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