Reform of the National Guard and the Chamber of Deputies: when will it be discussed?

Reform of the National Guard and the Chamber of Deputies: when will it be discussed?

He Plan C advances, since after promulgating the initiative of constitutional reform in the matter of the Judicial Power, legislators of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) and its allies are preparing to discuss and vote on the National Guard Initiative (GN), and already has a date for its discussion in the Chamber of Deputies.

Ricardo Monreal Ávila, coordinator of the parliamentary group of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) in the Chamber of Deputies confirmed that the initiative will begin to be discussed, as it had announced, during the month of September. It is worth mentioning that the opinion had already been approved in committees.

“The opinion has already been prepared positively and will be submitted for discussion next Thursday to the Chamber of Deputies. It will then be sent to the Senate as a reviewing chamber.

“It makes sense, we believe, that the army and the National Guard, the armed forces, the permanent force are, at this moment, indispensable to achieve tranquility and social stability in Mexico,” he told the media.

Plan C advances: Reform of the National Guard and the Chamber of Deputies, when will it be discussed?

In this sense, the constitutional reform initiative It will be submitted to the Plenary Session of the Chamber of Deputies this Thursday, September 19, 2024 for discussion and possible voting.

The decision will then be sent to the Senate of the Republic, where it will begin its discussion and voting in Committees and then be addressed in the Plenary Session of the Upper House.

It is worth mentioning that the opinion of the reform initiative sent to the Congress of the Union by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) of It was discussed in the Committees of the Chamber of Deputies.

In the final stretch of the last legislature, on August 22, 2024, the favorable opinion was announced, with 22 votes in favor and 17 against, for discussion in the LXVI Legislature, which is currently in force.

In previous hours, Senator Ignacio Mier, from the parliamentary group of Morenaalso referred to the discussion of the opinion.

He said that the initiative would be discussed in the plenary session of the Lower House during the third week of September, without giving a precise date.

“On Thursday, September 19, we also hope that the bill on the National Guard arrives from the Chamber of Deputies“We hope that on Monday, September 23, both opinions will be discussed in committees,” Mier said, also referring to the opinion regarding the reform on matters relating to indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples.

If approved, the The National Guard will depend on the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena), Therefore, it will form part of the Permanent Armed Force, which is currently composed of the Army, the Air Force and the Navy.

Likewise, the GN budget will be managed by the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena).

The National Guard (GN) will continue to be in charge of implementing the National Security Strategy, designed by the Ministry of Security.

Furthermore, in the event of any incident that warrants it, members of the GN may only be tried by military courts.

It is worth mentioning that some elements of the Navy and the Sedena could become part of the National Guard (GN) and will therefore no longer be part of their original armed force.

However, it will allow such personnel to perform more non-military activities.

#Reform #National #Guard #Chamber #Deputies #discussed
2024-09-24 23:57:22



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